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Israel fires warning shots into Syria

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The 16th and 17th centuries were centuries of war, as were the 18th and 19th centuries. We all know about the massive horrible wars of the 20th century. Maybe we will never learn?Maybe the 21st century will be the same? Maybe war is a natural state?:(




war is to man what chidbirth is to woman.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope not! Assad is a psychopath, to be sure, but he's too secular to be all bad. As an Alawite, he's at the more 'liberal' end of the scale when it comes to religious psychosis. The psychopath who replaces him will very likely be a religious fundamentalist, and not at all secular or liberal, so it will be worse for everyone, especially women.


Readers, please do not make the mistake of believing that all who rise against a dictator are good people, or that they want liberty, freedom, justice and democracy; far from it! Assad keeps his enemies down in the way he does because his enemies are truly violent, horrible people, who wish to impose a far stricter, far more violent and oppressive form of misogynistic, homophobic tyranny than exists at the moment. These are not nice people, and once again, the West is supporting the wrong side for the sake of political expediency and a quick buck!


The deal is that we, the West, allow the Islamic fundamentalists power in Syria in return for a free hand attacking Iran, and not to mention the cheap oil and arms deals etc.


Both sides are bad, but the rebels are filth!


What a load of rubbish.

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