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Anyone got their Christmas decorations up this year yet?

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I'm also a believer in deferred gratification! especially with big kids, ie adults..............but try telling that to the retail circus in Meadowhall this Xmas.

After all,if we all keep buying enough Chinese imported "stuff",that will get us out of recession..................won't it?


Meadowhall (well, Mad As Hell!)? I don't do that, either. Especially so near Xmas! (I hate Mad As Hell even when it's quieter)

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Meadowhall (well, Mad As Hell!)? I don't do that, either. Especially so near Xmas! (I hate Mad As Hell even when it's quieter)


^^^What she says.


I visit the Netherhells only when there's no other way of obtaining the things I need (that's need rather than want) and there's no option of home delivery.

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^^^What she says.


I visit the Netherhells only when there's no other way of obtaining the things I need (that's need rather than want) and there's no option of home delivery.


Bang on, Medusa. I "do" Mad As Hell under sufferance, and only if the city centre/ local shop hasn't got what I want. and then it's a case of:-


"In the Hell-hole, straight to the shop I require, get the item, and then straight back out!"


I remember a training session at M-A-H, for Old Dog (who was a trained assistance dog), one 13th November, where I was on a scoota.


It was wall to wall lemmings (erm.. I mean people!) and I was trapped at less than a crawl, inching my way along, amongst folk who were shoulder to shoulder in the aisles. Then suddenly this twit of a middle-aged woman sidestepped, and stood directly in front of the scoota, and declared "YOU shift, cos I'm not moving!!!" I had people immediately to the side of me, both sides, so I could not turn, I had herds of people backing up intp me from behind, and I was forced to keep inching forward. I had nowhere to go, it was a nightmare.


and the most annoying thing was that, because Old-Dog was in harness (IE he was working) I couldn't tear this stupid woman off a strip and tell her how many shades of an ignorant prat I thought she was!! Grr.

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I agree with Halibut - if you do it too soon, you'll be bored of the decs by the time Dec 25 comes round.


No chance in getting bored with it here! The build up is all part of the fun and we have just put our first decorations up - Some lovely Snowflake Window Stickers . We plan to build up slowly and keep adding bits as we get closer to the big day. The tree wont go up till the first dec though.

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