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61 and 3 months old, £98.00 a week partially disabled - come April I will have to pay

£10.00 Bedroom tax

£4.00 towards council tax


over 15% of the money I have coming in gone in one hit. Now tell me that's Fair. I noticed on Radio 4s "Today in parliament" program the "Mansion Tax" on property's over £2M was Rejected. Oh how the other half lives.

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They could offer you nothing, rather than £240 a month.


You could also start planning to move to a 1 bedroom flat.


I'm pretty sure you are not meaning to appear heartless but the OP has joint custody of his children. The OP is not renting a large house, but a very modestly priced flat above a shop.


IMO this scenario is one where the new levy should not apply, basically any situation where it is clear that it could be detrimental to kids.

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I've recently come out of work and for the first time in my life require housing benefits. Today I received a letter stating that because I've got a 2 bedroomed flat above a shop and am not the sole carer of my two children (joint custody) the government can only pay me 60 pound per week towards my 340 pound monthly rent. I just can't help feeling a little p***** off that I pay my taxes and when I come out of work (which is a rarity) I get s*** on by A government that's run by complete set of arseholes. Is there anybody that could possibly offer me any advise regarding this situation ?


That sounds like a private rental property which isn't affected by the bedroom tax.


Welfare reforms will cut the amount of benefit that people can get if they are deemed to have a spare bedroom in their council or housing association home.


Who will be affected?


This change affects council tenants, and those who rent from housing associations, who are housing benefit claimants. It does not affect private sector tenants who are already subject to certain rules.

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The age of the op will make a difference as well. If under 35 with no full time dependants he would only be allowed benfit for shared accomodation which is £60/ It is completely wrong in these circumstances as he has joint custody but not full time custody

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This is an evil and vindictive piece of legislation which is going to cause a great deal of distress, even homelessness. And for what? It will cost more to administrate than it saves.


And let's not forget that the majority of people seeking this help have been taxpayers and paid into a system which is supposed to provide a safety net for them if they need it, but as the OP has found out, it singularly doesn't.


Shame on this government, and on governments past, who have allowed this nations finances and prospects get into such a state.

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61 and 3 months old, £98.00 a week partially disabled - come April I will have to pay

£10.00 Bedroom tax

£4.00 towards council tax


over 15% of the money I have coming in gone in one hit. Now tell me that's Fair. I noticed on Radio 4s "Today in parliament" program the "Mansion Tax" on property's over £2M was Rejected. Oh how the other half lives.


Is the £98 DLA?


If so then you should also make a claim for Incapacity Benefit/JSA or whatever it's called now.


If your £98 is IB then make a DLA application.

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Is the £98 DLA?


If so then you should also make a claim for Incapacity Benefit/JSA or whatever it's called now.


If your £98 is IB then make a DLA application.


I'm on the right money, it's half way between being disabled completly and being fit for work - lol. my money wasn't the point of the post though, I'm paying 15% of my income, which in it's self is around £26.00 more than someone un-employed, so if they have to pay the bedroom tax they will be left with something like £56.00 a week to live on.- DISGRACEFUL

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Thanks for the advice, just going to have to expand my job search slightly and not be as picky with regards to positions lol. To tell the truth I was hoping to focus more on getting a job for life as opposed to rushing into one through necessity, but needs must.


Can't give you any advice on the HB but strongly suggest you take any job.

Once you're in a job you can still look for more suitable work.

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I'm pretty sure you are not meaning to appear heartless but the OP has joint custody of his children. The OP is not renting a large house, but a very modestly priced flat above a shop.


IMO this scenario is one where the new levy should not apply, basically any situation where it is clear that it could be detrimental to kids.


Joint care is an odd one actually. Maybe he should qualify for half a bedroom and have to pay for the other half...


My comment was a bit harsh though, I agree, in hindsight I could possibly have phrased it better.

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