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Seat Belts


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Very few and far between. I have not yet met a PC who has seriously suggested that "good job you weren't" or the one that can seriously suggest that wearing a belt has caused the death and not wearing it would have saved the unfortunate person. Without the belt, who knows where the body would have gone and ended up? The rare (headline-grabbing) cases of surviving crashes miraculously whatever the choice of wear or not wear are dwarfed by the stats that suggest belt-wearing has saved an estimated 2000-2500 lives every year.

The fact that, occasionally, someone survives a crash inexplicably without a scratch does not change the bald facts that huge numbers of car occupants (200,000) do not get out of the vehicle without a scratch with or without a belt.


The problem may well be that we live in an age where free speech will see you sacked so how many Pc's even if that was the case would state it?

My guess is very few so you dont and will never get an accuate figure from talking to pc's.


WE all know that often its the speed of the stop that kills due to organ damage,yet its the seat belt that emphasis's that as there is no give or slowing down allowence in the belts.Now if the belts were to control the stop better than they do it may well help.


It does make me laugh when the same posters make statments looking like they know what they are talking about when infact they are often just following the politically correct line and using narrow mindedness to draw their conclusions.

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The problem may well be that we live in an age where free speech will see you sacked so how many Pc's even if that was the case would state it?

My guess is very few so you dont and will never get an accuate figure from talking to pc's.


WE all know that often its the speed of the stop that kills due to organ damage,yet its the seat belt that emphasis's that as there is no give or slowing down allowence in the belts.Now if the belts were to control the stop better than they do it may well help.


It does make me laugh when the same posters make statments looking like they know what they are talking about when infact they are often just following the politically correct line and using narrow mindedness to draw their conclusions.


...but there is.

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It does make me laugh when the same posters make statments looking like they know what they are talking about when infact they are often just following the politically correct line and using narrow mindedness to draw their conclusions.


What, you mean like your post where you accuse the AA of being involved in bribery and corruption?

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I would always belt up, and I feel really really odd if someone sets off before I've put it on. What I don't understand is why some people put it on after they've set off? They will pull away and be faffing around with it and start swerving around. Why not take 5 seconds to do it??

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What, you mean like your post where you accuse the AA of being involved in bribery and corruption?


No theres apsolutly no polititions involved in any businesses or changes of laws that would help some businesses benefit greatly is there?


What i do know if the AA are the same as every other business,they will sat in their board rooms working out ways to up their profits.I wonder how them conversations go.


"The Guardian investigation into peers and MPs who have directorships or a controlling interest in companies linked to tax havens began as an exercise to show how widespread the use of offshore jurisdictions has become in British business life.


It soon became apparent that many Parliamentarians who are able to influence tax laws have taken up positions as directors and non executive directors in major companies with offshore links.


There are 27 Tories - six of whom are MPs – 17 Labour peers, three Lib Dem peers and another 21 are either crossbench or non-affiliated peers."





UNfortunatly and as most people already know, Mps arnt always honest infact the very word 'spin' was invented by the Labour party means twist the truth.


Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not happening and the likleyhood that it is is very high.

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I would always belt up, and I feel really really odd if someone sets off before I've put it on. What I don't understand is why some people put it on after they've set off? They will pull away and be faffing around with it and start swerving around. Why not take 5 seconds to do it??


When we set off, as a family, I ask "is everyone fastened in?", and wait for the answer before setting off. This started primarily to make sure my daughter had managed to fasten herself in - she would tell us when she heard the "click" to be sure. Now it also includes for her grandfather who is a bit forgetful, and needs reminding. I never set off until everyone has answered.


It can sometimes be difficult for a passenger to fasten in when the car is moving, so it seems sensible to wait.

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