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Yvonne Ridley is Respect Party Rotherham candidate.


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Vile, terrorist-supporting, dictator-loving, odious, corrupt %^$%$^$%


He has to be the foulest person in Britain after his undoubted mate Abu Qatada.


Corrupt? Yes he arse licked Hussein but that's what you do when trying to make progress with self obsessed dictators, its called playing the game. Can't see him supporting terrorists either and to my knowledge Quatada clones have issued death threats on him as voting is un Islamic in their eyes etc.

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Corrupt? Yes he arse licked Hussein but that's what you do when trying to make progress with self obsessed dictators, its called playing the game. Can't see him supporting terrorists either and to my knowledge Quatada clones have issued death threats on him as voting is un Islamic in their eyes etc.


He's given money over to Hamas.


Quite how he didn't get arrested and charged, I don't know.


Works for Iranian propaganda too.


The guy is beneath contempt.

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It's this type of post, along with many of your posts that screams troll. But, 3000 odd posts as a troll without a ban or getting bored and moving onto the next forum doesn't make sense.


I honestly don't know, but if it's a cry for help it's a seriously protracted one.


You don't agree with my views so I must be trolling? I've been on here years unlike your five minutes. You've only seen a fraction of my posts and on issues like the miners strike, unions, conspiracy theories (anti) and the police I'm very serious. You've only seen me in tongue in cheek pi** take mode. You've seemingly made your mind up that I love MP's. Some are absolute jokes, I just don't write them off without knowing what I'm talking about.


You've come across to me as a do gooding, hand wringing irritant.

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He's given money over to Hamas.


Quite how he didn't get arrested and charged, I don't know.


Works for Iranian propaganda too.


The guy is beneath contempt.


Probably that pesky thing called evidence. As the CIA, Special Branch, Mi5 and MI6 know what bog roll he uses he'd have been nicked years ago if he was guilty.


The Israeli PM Menachem Begin was wanted by Scotland Yard for the murder of two British soldiers in 1948 or thereabouts. Strangely enough when he visited Britain he wasn't nicked on the tarmac. Funny how things turn out eh?

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Galloway is one of them Usefull Idiots that Lenin talked off....... Problem is that the Islamists will skin Galloway soon as they got chance :D


If that happens he'll get his just deserts for playing with fire. He was once Labour front bench material until he upset Kinnock.

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You don't agree with my views so I must be trolling? I've been on here years unlike your five minutes. You've only seen a fraction of my posts and on issues like the miners strike, unions, conspiracy theories (anti) and the police I'm very serious. You've only seen me in tongue in cheek pi** take mode. You've seemingly made your mind up that I love MP's. Some are absolute jokes, I just don't write them off without knowing what I'm talking about.


Now you've come across to me as a do gooding, hand wringing irritant. However, being a mature man of 36 I'll assume that on other threads you probably make very good points and are not as boring. From my experience the thread dictates the performance of the contributor.


Is this last edit what you actually want to say or will you change it again?

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