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If you are disgusted with the BBC sign the e petition


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And yet, strangley, these people instead of claiming that Strictly Come Dancing, Eastenders or Snog Marry Avoid are the most amazing programmes on the planet and to get rid of them would be a traversty, as only 100 other channels are running similar programmes, they seem to be claiming that the breadth and respect of BBC's journalism, services like BBC 6 Music and numerous documentaries on BBC Four are the good things, things which are not done by any other broadcasters, and are the reasons we should keep and be proud of the BBC.


Sigh. It's called recognising that the BBC caters for all but the biggest loss would be in the journalism area.


It hasn't been said enough that BBC journalism and the BBC in general has offended every shade of opinion at one time or another therefore it is objective. Do you hear the right wing outraged by Sky or Fox?

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And yet, strangley, these people instead of claiming that Strictly Come Dancing, Eastenders or Snog Marry Avoid are the most amazing programmes on the planet and to get rid of them would be a traversty, as only 100 other channels are running similar programmes, they seem to be claiming that the breadth and respect of BBC's journalism, services like BBC 6 Music and numerous documentaries on BBC Four are the good things, things which are not done by any other broadcasters, and are the reasons we should keep and be proud of the BBC.


Beeb 3 and 4, man those channels have some right garbage on them.

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Beeb 3 and 4, man those channels have some right garbage on them.


I love BBC4. Pretty much always something worth watching every evening. In fact that's true of BBC1 and BBC2 as well....and Family Guy/American Dad to finish the evening on BBC3.


Love Channel 4 too but you can keep the rest.


What's not to like?

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Well then people like you can pay for it then :-) simples.


And you'll be paying for it too as it is an educational and cultural pillar of the society you live in, not merely an entertainment source you avoid. This is what people like you find hard to grasp. It benefits this country even if you don't watch a minute of it, I also find it impossible to believe that there are people who don't watch a single minute of it. If you want to live in a nation with a hundred channels, most of them trash and with no central benchmark of quality and objectivity then move to the USA.

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At the end of the day the BBC is brilliant because of its current setup. Most people support this or are indifferent due to their correct sense of perspective. Yes there are boring handwringers who want some kind of compromise where the BBC is funded by individual subscription because its currently 'unfair'. Yawn.


Then there are the fanatics who just hate anything not totally market oriented and would like to see it abolished.


Both sides being equally pathetic crawl out of the woodwork every few years to rant, usually when the BBC is in 'crisis' as this means their arguments suddenly become more accepted. Again a big yawn. When I see mass demonstrations and petitions of the size of the poll tax I'll take their views seriously. Until then they can be filed under crank.


I passionately support the licence fee and love the quality of programmes we have on subjects that couldn't be made if it wasn't a public service broadcaster. I think the BBC's output contributes hugely to the culture and the intelligence of the nation.


BUT the BBC has to become GENUINELY politically impartial again as their left wing bias is undermining their own argument for public funding.


This Savile/McAlpine BBC/Tory party paedo thing has become a clear case of the left/right with the left wing BBC smearing a right wing organisation in order to deflect the attention away from them. It just shows how far along the line they've gone to become a left wing organisation and they really must go back to being genuinely impartial.


You simply cannot have state funded TV channel which is as politically partisan as the BBC is, it's effectively billing for propaganda.

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I passionately support the licence fee and love the quality of programmes we have on subjects that couldn't be made if it wasn't a public service broadcaster. I think the BBC's output contributes hugely to the culture and the intelligence of the nation.


BUT the BBC has to become GENUINELY politically impartial again as their left wing bias is undermining their own argument for public funding.


This Savile/McAlpine BBC/Tory party paedo thing has become a clear case of the left/right with the left wing BBC smearing a right wing organisation in order to deflect the attention away from them. It just shows how far along the line they've gone to become a left wing organisation and they really must go back to being genuinely impartial.


You simply cannot have state funded TV channel which is as politically partisan as the BBC is, it's effectively billing for propaganda.


I'm open to this argument, however I'd add that Nick Robinson is ex Tory and Andrew Marr ex left winger, Jeremy Vine and Paxman are definitely neutral.


Isn't it the case that the police showed the victim a photo of a man years ago and told him he was Lord McAlpine? This man continued to believe this for years and told the BBC this. Only after the story went out was the reality discovered? The BBC journalists involved would inevitably think that if the victim thought it was McAlpine for years then it must have been. However to say that BBC journalists thought it would be a good idea to smear an old Tory to score points sounds far fetched. There is still a rumour that a member of the Tory top brass was involved in such activities even if it wasn't McAlpine.


I only began to hear the BBC being described as left wing, at least in terms of news during the recent Iraq war. This was because the BBC didn't act as a cheerleader for war in a 'patriotic' manner. That's not left wing, that's simply being objective. That dossier was edited to present the best case no matter what rubbish has been said otherwise. The BBC news re edited footage of the 'Battle of Orgreave' in 1984 to back the police and Thatcher government. A long time ago yes but cast iron proof that at that time it was fervently right wing and prepared to distort reality and smear thousands of innocent men to support the right wing agenda. So if the BBC is leftie now it certainly wasn't then and this simply means the pendulum has swung. Do the critics want a neutral BBC or back to being blatantly right wing?


Someone once said that if you put a mass of educated and intellectual people together they'll form a liberal consensus. I believe that's what's true of the BBC. Ideological people read the Telegraph or Mail but middle of the road open minded people go for the Guardian and that's whats happened at the BBC. I see nothing wrong with that. It can't be helped that most intelligent people are liberal, not necessarily left wing, there is a difference. Should there be quotas to get Tories in? That might even things up but would be against Tory principles anyway.

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