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If you are disgusted with the BBC sign the e petition


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1.Define brainwashing.


2. It's fiddling when MP's do it because they do a job of work and are entitled to some expenses, the argument is whether its morally correct.


3. The Windsors do a job of work promoting this nations products and tourist industry.


4. Benefit thieves are not entitled to what they steal. If there were a referendum benefits claimants would be entitled to a lot less and half or more wouldn't be 'entitled' to anything at all.


1. Using NLP on people without them knowing it, you sound like you have had a dose.


2. taking something you're not entitled to is stealing


3. No they don't


4. You sound like a compassionate human being, do you not think people down on their luck should be given a helping hand? I hope (for your sake) you never find yourself in this position.


There is more corruption at the top than at the bottom... Fact

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No its fraud isn't it? Thats why a number of MPs have been convicted in courts for this activity.


Some of it was fraud ie saying the expenses were for things other than what the money was spent on..I think some of the other stuff, duckhouses etc..were being claimed as such ie no lies involved..

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Possibly he means Common Purpose which has had allegations put about in the press recently that they are attempting to influence the media to a more left leaning viewpoint?


Bingo, common purpose is a very dangerous 'Charity'

But there will be CP graduates on here who will try to suggest that its benign

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1. Using NLP on people without them knowing it, you sound like you have had a dose.




I really wouldn't worry too much about NLP. I have been on a long course presented by an ex-hostage negotiator and member of the SAS. The man was very qualified and very interesting but brainwashing it is not.


Unless, of course, I am brainwashed.

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