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If you are disgusted with the BBC sign the e petition


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1. Using NLP on people without them knowing it, you sound like you have had a dose.


2. taking something you're not entitled to is stealing


3. No they don't


4. You sound like a compassionate human being, do you not think people down on their luck should be given a helping hand? I hope (for your sake) you never find yourself in this position.


There is more corruption at the top than at the bottom... Fact


I don't know what NLP is. If you believe the BBC is a brainwasher then don't watch it, watch something unbiased like Fox or Sky instead.


Many MP's were accused of taking what they weren't entitled to yet broke no expenses rules or laws. I'm afraid the world isn't as black and white as you think.


The Royals represent this nation here and abroad as well as promoting business. Until 51% want a republic then you represent a minority and are therefore wrong.


Compassionate? Why does my questioning the BBC being a brainwashing machine make me not compassionate?

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Possibly he means Common Purpose which has had allegations put about in the press recently that they are attempting to influence the media to a more left leaning viewpoint?


It's been said, I can't remember by whom that if you put a large number of intelligent people together they form a liberal consensus. I believe that's true and that's what the BBC does. Do you expect Paxman and Susannah Reid to sit reading the Daily Mail? I say fine as most people didn't vote Conservative, most aren't hardline one way or the other and most didn't support the war which is where the 'BBC IS LEFTIE!' rubbish started as far as I remember.


I know there are bumpkin types out there who think anyone who isn't racist or pro hanging etc are left wing but they're thick and irrelevant.

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No its fraud isn't it? Thats why a number of MPs have been convicted in courts for this activity.


Stealing, fraud. Semantics. I'm not a big fan of corrupt MP's either and if it were up to me they'd be inside for three times longer than their sentences since they damage faith in the whole system.

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It's been said, I can't remember by whom that if you put a large number of intelligent people together they form a liberal consensus. .


Neither do I but as someone who works in Universities I don't think its true - you find people all over the political spectrum, including people with quite extreme views on both the far left and far right. Its an utter myth that for example academics at universities all read the Guardian and are middle of the road liberals.

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Neither do I but as someone who works in Universities I don't think its true - you find people all over the political spectrum, including people with quite extreme views on both the far left and far right. Its an utter myth that for example academics at universities all read the Guardian and are middle of the road liberals.[/quote


That's why I said a majority. There'll always be David Willets types around e.g. right wing eggheads but the majority will always clutch a Guardian as you know well.

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Neither do I but as someone who works in Universities I don't think its true - you find people all over the political spectrum, including people with quite extreme views on both the far left and far right. Its an utter myth that for example academics at universities all read the Guardian and are middle of the road liberals.[/quote


That's why I said a majority. There'll always be David Willets types around e.g. right wing eggheads but the majority will always clutch a Guardian as you know well.


My point is its not a small minority who have right wing views, but in fact quite a large fraction. Which puts the lie to the idea intelligent people are usually left wing.

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My point is its not a small minority who have right wing views, but in fact quite a large fraction. Which puts the lie to the idea intelligent people are usually left wing.


OK, most are centrists and hover around the liberal zone, 60% at least in my opinion.


As regards the BBC, shall we have affirmative action quotas to get more opressed Tories in? That goes against Tory thinking so its not possible, leave it to the unregulated market and let the Guardian reader domination continue.

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OK, most are centrists and hover around the liberal zone, 60% at least in my opinion.


As regards the BBC, shall we have affirmative action quotas to get more opressed Tories in? That goes against Tory thinking so its not possible, leave it to the unregulated market and let the Guardian reader domination continue.


Yes maybe 60% is about right in universities, which is a long way from a huge majority - which is why it doesn't follow that if you put a load of intelligent people together they should automatically push left wing views.


Isn't the guardian losing money hand over fist? I think its one of the likely candidates to go under in the near future because not enough people are willing to buy it. Left to the free market it could be in big trouble.

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Yes maybe 60% is about right in universities, which is a long way from a huge majority - which is why it doesn't follow that if you put a load of intelligent people together they should automatically push left wing views.


Isn't the guardian losing money hand over fist? I think its one of the likely candidates to go under in the near future because not enough people are willing to buy it. Left to the free market it could be in big trouble.


Well I don't believe most are lefties anyway, just liberals e.g. middle class with money who think the right wing are unfair but are not radical enough to be left wing.


The Guardian is losing money, why pay over a quid for a hefty pile of paper when you can read it all free online? Murdoch knows how to run a business so he's made all his news pay for only.

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