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If you are disgusted with the BBC sign the e petition


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And you'll be paying for it too as it is an educational and cultural pillar of the society you live in, not merely an entertainment source you avoid. This is what people like you find hard to grasp. It benefits this country even if you don't watch a minute of it, I also find it impossible to believe that there are people who don't watch a single minute of it. If you want to live in a nation with a hundred channels, most of them trash and with no central benchmark of quality and objectivity then move to the USA.


I've never seen so much Verbal diarrhea come from one person.

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The thing that really worries me Mr Prime is that you don't know that you are being ripped off.


Ripped off by the license fee? I don't even watch TV but Radio 4 and iplayer are worth the fee to me. Costs me the same as a couple of bowls of muesli.

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So Mr Prime it's not enough that the government grab tax off you for education before you even get your money. You want to chuck even more of it at the bbc. I can hardly believe it, but I fear it's true


I don't really understand what you mean e.g. the government grabbing tax off me for education but I'm happy with the BBC as it is.

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