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If you are disgusted with the BBC sign the e petition


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The BBC spent £6 million of your money and six years to keep this list secret. It said it was a meeting to settle its editorial policy on climate change. The meeting is packed with pro-AGW proponents - no balance whatsoever. Hulme the discredited scientist from UEA (email scandal) included.


AGW is NOT a reality, many scientists in many countries agree that the science is not settled. AGW is a political movement. There has been no great increase in global temperatures for the last 16 years, ice accretions in the Antarctic are at record levels. If CO2 is the gas altering our climate why do we still bake bread and brew beer? Yeast gives off CO2.


The Earth's climate has always changed - we are in an inter-glacial at the moment.


Despite all this - my point was that the BBC has manipulated the news regarding AGW for its own ends - this meeting shows how one-sided it was and probably still is. Where is its fabled "impartiality" in this?

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Remind me - did Savile work for News International? Did News International smear and innocent man? The BBC's current problems have nothing to do with Murdoch - he's more interested in making money in the States. The BBC brought all this on themselves.


Read it on Guido Fawkes - there for all to see


At least Murdoch closed the NOTW - shame we cannot do the same for the BBC


You were asked a question a little while back - about where you get the £6 million figure from. Are you going to address that question?


I ask because if all you intend to do is post one liners of the kind above people will very rapidly get very fed up with you.

Single issue posters are tedious at the best of times, particularly so when they won't engage in any kind of discussion.

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At least Murdoch closed the NOTW - shame we cannot do the same for the BBC


He did not close it, he re-named it. And it's not doing his business empire any favours even in its new form. So his last ditch attempt of having some use out of his failing British print media is a relentless campaign against the BBC. Do you really feel comfortable on Murdoch's side?

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