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Worst thing you have ever done?

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I got my belly button pierced when my daddy told me not to (but he still doesn't know about that one....and I'm 23!).


Then I got my nose pierced and my dad didn't speak to me for two days! What an exciting life I do lead....


Other than that I can only think of rude things which I don't think I'm willing to share. Hmmm.....anyway. La de da.

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Ermm, here's a few from years ago:


1. Got caught coming out of someones house with some arrows (for the bow we had at home) by the police when I was 13ish. Wouldn't have been so bad if it was our house but the guy who owned it was on holiday - he had given us permission to get them but we couldn't find the key he left for us in the garden and someone saw my mate climbing in through the bedroom window. Coppers took a lot of convincing that we weren't robbing the place.


2. Was caught setting fires in the dry stores of a block of flats. Only reason they caught us was my mate leaving his coat behind which the coppers found. No we weren't burning the flats down, we were keeping warm.


3. Caught smoking cannabis at an outdoor tennis court by 4 off duty coppers playing tennis - 2v2 from Mossway and West Bar. Was funny as hell - coppers had a good laugh with us about it in the end.


There's many more but I'll probably get myself in trouble with some of 'em.

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Ok, before i start, i was 9 at the time:


At cubs there was a nasty boy who used to bully me.one day at cub camp he happened to be walking along the bottom of a ridge that i happened to be walking along the top of. I happened to need a wee. I happened to wee all over him. He never bullied me again. What was funnier, when the boy told his dad, he didn't believe him.


I would like to point out that at 26, this is not the sort of thing i'd do now.

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I could make a massive post on this but I should probably keep some of my heinous crimes to myself...


1) Got stopped by a policewoman while crawling through Shalesmoor, and when questioned completely forgetting my address. After 10 minutes of me going 'Hold on, I know this one... hmmm ....' she arrested me 'for my own good'. Last thing I remember was saying 'You're not bad for a copper' followed by waking up in a cell and being turfed out at 8:30am.


2) Left Corporation at chucking out time and decided to walk home. Was feeling fine and set off at a good pace, then it's blank. I woke up on a settee in a house, so I assumed I must have met one of my mates and stayed at theirs. Next thing, some bloke comes in, looks at me funny, then leaves and comes back with another bloke. 'Who are you?' he says. 'Who are you?' I say. 'If I open the door, will you leave?' he says. So I did.

Funny thing is, the doors were locked from the inside, so god only knows how I got in there or why, it was at Walkley, a couple of miles from my house and in the wrong direction. If it was anyone on this forum I apologise!


3) I'd just finished work and was hungry, so went to the chippy for fish and peas, open. As I tucked in I noticed a huge caterpillar thing in my peas... so I ate round it and took it back for a refund. What can I say, I was hungry.


There are others, but not that I'd admit to on a public forum :)

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I once got a tad drunk at a house-warming party, and thought it would be amusing (:rolleyes: ) to chop down a tree in the back garden and drag it into the living room. After a good few minutes of trying to hack it down with a kitchen knife, I was brought indoors and promptly ordered to get some sleep.

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I once picked up a TV guide in GT News in Hillsborough and almost walked out without paying for it, then I sort of "woke up" and realised my mistake, I apologised unreservedly to the lady on the counter, and she said that it was OK and at least I came back and owned up to the crime I nearly committed, just don't do it again she said.


I was a bit tired that day and was "miles away" as they say.. :(

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