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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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its the mrs who's s**ting herself lol


who you believe joe bloggs onforum or martin Lewis off tv and radio

so sorry if upset you

just don,t want bailiffs banging on our door


Baliffs cant turn up with out a court order,


You would be very lucky if you got a court claim!


What they are refering to is powerless debt collectors who have no more powers then you and me , ive had one turn up a few years ago,


He was told to the leave the property immediately, filmed as he did and was advised the police woukd be called as the was a pevert hanging arond,


He left very quick........

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its the mrs who's s**ting herself lol


who you believe joe bloggs onforum or martin Lewis off tv and radio

so sorry if upset you

just don,t want bailiffs banging on our door


As Eccolad rightly says, they arnt Baliff`s , they are powerless debt collectors, with no more powers to collect money than you or me . Just ignore the letters from the Parking company and their fake solicitors and dont worry about it. You have more chance of winning the lottery tomorrow than you have of being taken to court by these cowboys.

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its the mrs who's s**ting herself lol


who you believe joe bloggs onforum or martin Lewis off tv and radio

so sorry if upset you

just don,t want bailiffs banging on our door


you need to do a lot more research and show it your wife. the panicking is how they make their money. its a very well rehearsed scam, nothing more.

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you need to do a lot more research and show it your wife. the panicking is how they make their money. its a very well rehearsed scam, nothing more.



Correct. These cowboys are chancers who work on the theory that a certain percentage of people wont know these invoices are worthless and totally unenforcable and just pay up no Questions asked. Luckily more and more people are now becoming aware they do not have to pay them as word spreads , so hopefully these cowboy`s profits will be taking a hammering.

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its the mrs who's s**ting herself lol


who you believe joe bloggs onforum or martin Lewis off tv and radio

so sorry if upset you

just don,t want bailiffs banging on our door


Here's a clip from BBC watchdog on how these 'invoices' and the following 'solicitors letters' are nothing other than scams made to look official-



Here's a list of Watchdog videos from mse-




just ingore the invoices and the letters

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When you look at the Watchdog clips , the HMRC V`s VCS high court ruling and the court cases parking companies have lost , its amazing they are still allowed to operate at all . We all know parking invoices are a scam ,but for some reason they are still a legal scam. Its time legislation is brought in to outlaw private parking companies totally . Legislation was introduced to ban the disgrace which was clamping ,so surely it can only be a matter of time before private parking companies are banned from operating.

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You side with them:)


Someone won 1250 recently inc costs as their car was getting invoices and the parking was tresspassing on this persons land.


They wouldn't agree not to do it to again so the judge made them do a formal undertaking etc!


Breaching it could be contempt.!

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I don't side with either, but I've no time for anybody who owns a car and is ignorant to the rules of the car park because they claim they didn't see the signs or can't be bothered to agree to the terms of parking.


The last time this was on Watchdog, their entire argument was some old bloke who read the main part of the sign which said "Welcome to Peel Retail Park" and he believed that the welcome was an invitation to park for free, claiming that the rest of the sign was too small to read, and completely ignoring the big graphic of a coin being put into a meter. Seriously.



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you have a way to go yet, it will go to £242 quid next and "solicitors" letters instructing you to pay within 7 days.

just dont ignore anything with court dates should you be the one millionth lucky punter that crops up and they actually decide to take someone to court and risk losing.


The only letter you need worry about is an official court summons.


The only people that get taken to court are those who enter into dialogue with the company, usually because the company thinks the person has 'self-incriminated' enough for them to be able to extract some cash.


I found this news story fairly interesting. Make of the land owners actions what you will...........




If one was to get taken to court - how would the court summons be delivered? Would it be special delivery so that they have to get a signature off the recipient to prove delivery?


I'm on my first letter off Parking Eye after overstaying my 90 minutes at ALDI - I turned up before 10 am on a Sunday - what a numpty.


I'd love to have the legal knowledge to actually reply to the invoice to wind them up - I believe that if they did take you (me) to court they can only do me for damages. This wouldn't be that much as the car park was empty and there is also free parking on a Sunday on the other side of ALDI (St Mary's Gate).


I've kept my receipt just in case I should be the person that they try to use for another test case.

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