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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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  • 5 years later...

I have just recieved a claim form from county court business centre regarding a car that i parked in the chinese firework company in 2015. They asked me to pay a fine of £185 or be taken to court. Please what should i do?

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Don’t bin that letter! You need to reply otherwise the court case will happen without you regardless and default in the claimants favour. That will lead to a CCJ if you then don’t pay.

It’s from the county court and the process has already started.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a heads up for anyone going to Drakehouse.

Today I had to go there and I took my niece for the trip. Currently she is on crutches due to a bad injury and isnt very mobile so I stopped in one of the disabled bays (most of them were empty so there were plenty of spaces) helped her out of the car and I was just climbing back into the car to move to a regular spot when I got a tap on my shoulder. Well I say a tap, it was more like a sharp prod with a pen or something.  I turned around to be confronted by some man in a scruffy uniform who then went on a rant about how im preventing "real disabled people" from using the shops and If I dont move ill get a fine. I pointed out that touching me in any way is assault, I explained that I was climbing back into the car to move it when he stopped me and HE is the one preventing "real disabled people" from using the shops if anyone was.

Long story short the car I drive is a motability vehicle and I do have a blue badge for another family member who has permanent disabilities so theoretically I could have just slapped it on the dash and told him to do one but I wont abuse the blue badge privilege so I kept calm, moved my car and went back to my niece who was at this point very upset. All this time he followed my every move and continued to berate me whilst writing out a ticket. Seeing all this my niece was too upset to go to the shops so we went home. To say it was an interesting day is probably an understatement but I do want to say thank you to the lovely lady who saw what happened and gave him both barrels for his conduct and gave me her details in case I wanted to make a complaint.

So, the moral of the story If you are going to Drakehouse any time soon then be aware they seem to be employing someone who either hates his job or just has massive anger issues.

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone 🙂

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Yes, it's one of the cowboy parking companies who are contracted to police the car parks there. If it is UKPC, they were banned or suspended from their contract with the DVLA, I'm not sure whether thats still in force (still looking) but if they are there is no way they can find the Registered Keeper's address, so can't send an invoice. If that's not the case and you eventually get an invoice with big red writing on it, DO NOT say who the driver was and DO NOT ring them, seek advice from the "Newbies" in the Private Parking Tickets section at M.S.E site. All they want is your money and they'll use all sorts of tricks to get it.

Edited by carosio
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