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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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The fact remains that private companies cannot fine people. Thus the speculative invoice they leave on your car is just that.


To enforce it they have to go to court. And when they do, they lose - and when they lose and the case is covered in the local press - more people find out that they don't have to pay these speculative invoices.


There is a county court case covering this issue.




I stand corrected on the County Court case.... as well as their chance of losing and bad publicity there is the question of being cost effective ... they are better employed hassling people by phone and letter than the expense of taking it to court because most people cave in under the pressure,

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I stand corrected on the County Court case.... as well as their chance of losing and bad publicity there is the question of being cost effective ... they are better employed hassling people by phone and letter than the expense of taking it to court because most people cave in under the pressure,


They will work on a percentage of people feeling intimidated and scared by their bullying tactics and paying up. Add to this the bare faced lies they tell on their invoices and subsequent threatening letters , they make their money by pressuring people who dont know the whole thing is a scam by the parking companies.

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They will work on a percentage of people feeling intimidated and scared by their bullying tactics and paying up. Add to this the bare faced lies they tell on their invoices and subsequent threatening letters , they make their money by pressuring people who dont know the whole thing is a scam by the parking companies.


Absolutely spot on.. if my recollection is correct the call centre from where the calls and threatening texts are sent and the law firm share the same address... I imagine that's a coincidence :)

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Absolutely spot on.. if my recollection is correct the call centre from where the calls and threatening texts are sent and the law firm share the same address... I imagine that's a coincidence :)


I take it you have had the threatening correspondence from Roxborgh`s and Graham Whites solicitors then. ?

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I take it you have had the threatening correspondence from Roxborgh`s and Graham Whites solicitors then. ?


Ha ha brilliant .. yes the very same based in Surrey.. the curiously named Graham White Solicitors since the only actual solicitor was one Michael Sobell

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Ha ha brilliant .. yes the very same based in Surrey.. the curiously named Graham White Solicitors since the only actual solicitor was one Michael Sobell


Thats the ones.......... after receiving one of the many letters ive had from them , i rang them up asking what they intended to do as i wouldnt be paying them a penny. They told me if i didnt pay their client had instructed them to persue me through the courts. :hihi::hihi:


I told them i was ready when they were.................. That was over a year ago ,and suprisingly enough , im still waiting for my court papers to arrive.

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Thats the ones.......... after receiving one of the many letters ive had from them , i rang them up asking what they intended to do as i wouldnt be paying them a penny. They told me if i didnt pay their client had instructed them to persue me through the courts. :hihi::hihi:


I told them i was ready when they were.................. That was over a year ago ,and suprisingly enough , im still waiting for my court papers to arrive.


Ha ha ditto ... and I spoke to Sobell and told him exactly the same then made a complaint to the Solicitors' Regulation Authority about his firm... although I don't imagine he was exactly quaking in his very well-heeled boots :) he was too busy scooping up the cash

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Has anyone else noticed that the signs VCS put up in some car parks have now changed?


The one in the car park I use used to have some wording about 'must display a valid permit' and also some little symbols which indicated cars could be clamped and towed etc, but now this has just been covered up with the wording 'permit holders must park in allocated bays only' and all wording relating to valid permits, clamping and towing has been removed.


The signs in our car park were changed just days after we were issued with a PCN for not displaying a valid permit.


As for our PCN, VCS eventually acknowledged reciept of our 'refusal to pay' letter and said they would take into consideration our appeal and come back to us....that was weeks ago now so fingers crossed that will be the last we hear of it.

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Has anyone else noticed that the signs VCS put up in some car parks have now changed?


The one in the car park I use used to have some wording about 'must display a valid permit' and also some little symbols which indicated cars could be clamped and towed etc, but now this has just been covered up with the wording 'permit holders must park in allocated bays only' and all wording relating to valid permits, clamping and towing has been removed.


The signs in our car park were changed just days after we were issued with a PCN for not displaying a valid permit.


As for our PCN, VCS eventually acknowledged reciept of our 'refusal to pay' letter and said they would take into consideration our appeal and come back to us....that was weeks ago now so fingers crossed that will be the last we hear of it.


Clamping was made illegal on 1st October 2012 ,so im not surprised they have changed their signs ,although there are still many signs from various parking companies still saying you will be clamped. As far your PCN , expect a couple of threatening letters from their solicitors threatening court action before they eventually go away and try it on with someone else.

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