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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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The first reminder for me not paying the fine left on my car on 27th May at meadowhall by pcm has just arrived, i am to believe this will be the first of many!

Does look official i must admit.

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Yep you'll get a few letters like that and one or two done up to look like ones from solicitors.


Has anyone had a refund from these as I paid it in fear £85.00 and now aware that I shouldn't have :(


No chance of a refund.

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The first reminder for me not paying the fine left on my car on 27th May at meadowhall by pcm has just arrived, i am to believe this will be the first of many!

Does look official i must admit.


Yes, you will receive a few of these worthless letters, including a letter from "Graham Whites " solicitors threatening court action , which will never happen. Just ignore them, eventually they go away.

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What about after the 'debt collection agency' letters and the 'solicitors' letters, you get calls from rubbish little essex boys leaving vaguely threatening calls on your answer machine, "........ I strongly advise that you give this matter due attention to avoid serious legal consequences etc etc".

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What about after the 'debt collection agency' letters and the 'solicitors' letters, you get calls from rubbish little essex boys leaving vaguely threatening calls on your answer machine, "........ I strongly advise that you give this matter due attention to avoid serious legal consequences etc etc".


The are Worthless, empty threats in the hope you will pay up . .

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It's all gone quiet now with our ticket. We had two letters from Graham Whites, one straight after the other but nothing since.


I'll let you know if anything else turns up but I'm hoping this is the end of the letter chain! Certainly not had any calls or messages but then we never answer our home phone anyway as it's always cold calls, and the answerphone is disabled.

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