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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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Originally Posted by jasd75


We've just got an invoice from VCS as we had been parked at the Berkeley Precinct on Ecclesall Road for 138 minutes (18 mins over the allowed amount).


I'm half thinking we should just pay it and avoid a years worth of nasty letters, but the likes of Penistone999 make me want to ignore it and ride it out.


Has anyone got any recent experience of what happens if you ignore these jokers? I think there was a recent change in the regulations around parking on private land but not sure if they make it more or less likely that I'll end up in court! Any advise would be appreciate...




Ive had half a dozen or so of these invoices this year alone ,so thats recent experience ,and ive ignored all of them and received the usual threatening letters from Graham Whites solicitors , ignored them too and ive never once received court papers. The recent changes make no difference what so ever to these invoices , they were worthless before the recent changes and are still worthless now.

graham whites silicitors doesnt even have anything to do with these jokers, thats how ligit the paperwork is, i have had these as well, ignore it, 4 maybe 5 letters and then thats it




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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We got our invoice from VCS in January as our permit had run out without us knowing (we were still paying for the space though).


We got our initial ticket on the car, then 2 letters from VCS and a further 3 from the solicitors and now we've not had anything for almost 2 weeks so I'm guessing they've given up with us now. Seriously DO NOT PAY IT! I know it's easy to think 'I'll pay it just in case'...trust me, I almost caved in a few times but I'm glad I stuck to my guns and ignored them.

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graham whites silicitors doesnt even have anything to do with these jokers, thats how ligit the paperwork is, i have had these as well, ignore it, 4 maybe 5 letters and then thats it




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Correct, there is a "Graham Whites " solicitors ,but they are nothing to do with the scammers who issue the parking invoices. The letters claiming to be from Graham Whites are junk sent out from a bulk mailing office in Northhampton signed by our old friend Mr Sordell. One big scam from start to finish . Ignore the cowboys.

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I've decided to ignore them and hopefully they'll go away.


From my extensive research on the tinterweb (basically I'm now a solicitor :) ) I've determined that the 'charge' they are trying to impose on me is a "unlawful penalty clause" as the £60 they want bears no relation to either the cost of parking (which was £0 - free for 2 hrs) or anything else for that matter.


Who do these jokers from VCS think they are?!?!?!?! :)

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I've decided to ignore them and hopefully they'll go away.


From my extensive research on the tinterweb (basically I'm now a solicitor :) ) I've determined that the 'charge' they are trying to impose on me is a "unlawful penalty clause" as the £60 they want bears no relation to either the cost of parking (which was £0 - free for 2 hrs) or anything else for that matter.


Who do these jokers from VCS think they are?!?!?!?! :)


Its not just VCS , they all use the same underhand , dodgy tactics to try and scam motorists .

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The most useful thing I read was that in the highly unlikely event of them taking you to court, they are only entitled to recover their losses...so in our case, we rent our space and have a rolling 6 month contract....the permit we show in our car expired part way through and we didn't realise, but as we were still paying for the space the owner of the car parking space hadn't made a loss.


Same with pay & display, if you go over your allocated time they can really only get you to pay for the time that you were not displaying a valid ticket, which in most cases is a couple of quid max.


Meant to add: the chances of a judge even agreeing to allow a case for a £1.50 loss is incredibly low!

Edited by GoGo_dancer
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The more I look into parking charges the murkier the water gets. I'm all in favour of paying what is fair but the charges these companies try and get away with is just criminal!


I've been invoiced £60 for going over the allowed time by 18 minutes, so if I work that back the value they are placing on that parking space is £200 per hour. And if you take them up on the '2 hour free' allowance then they've given away £400 worth of parking! :loopy:

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