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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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Thanks. Even if they reject it, I'm more than happy to take it to court. The photos state the evidence in my defence.




If there was a sign it may be a good idea to take a photo of that as well just to add weight to your appeal because that i suspect will be there argument more than the lines

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If there was a sign it may be a good idea to take a photo of that as well just to add weight to your appeal because that i suspect will be there argument more than the lines


There wasn't any signs. So I don't know why they gave me a PCN, I think the gormy t**t who issued the ticket didn't eat his carrots growing up.

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There wasn't any signs. So I don't know why they gave me a PCN, I think the gormy t**t who issued the ticket didn't eat his carrots growing up.


:hihi::hihi: then i cannot see where they have any case at all against you then

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I hope this is the correct place....a newbie !


I have been following the discussions on Private Parking Charges for weeks. A family member works at Crystal Peaks. They received 2 notices of overstaying , number plate recognition. We have ignored all correspondence so far. We are going to continue to ignore until we get the Official Court Order. Hoping it doesn't get that far.

However, they knowingly overstayed. So we are going to pay . We won't go to court but will pay up as they were 'caught banged to rights'. Are we doing the right thing.We haven't got any get out clause for an appeal have

we ?


I spoke to shop management about it and didn't get any joy, also the local MP , who was supportive but couldn't help. Just said we would have to pay.


Any thoughts anybody please , as I'm getting anxious now !

Edited by Katie65
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I'm still confused.....I know that everybody is saying it's a free car park ! Also to ignore all the letters etc which I am doing.....BUT I have been told by a solicitor that because my family member has been caught more than once they may make them a 'test case ' This is really starting to worry me ! I have heard that people have received their official court papers. All I want to know is if I do receive them is there any way of contesting them knowing that they were definitely overstaying. It's not helpful when people say ' it's a free car park '. Could I take the parking company to

court for making me feel ill with stress because of their harassment

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