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Private Parking Charge Notices [PCN] - Megathread - ALL questions in here


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I do remember warning that one day this would happen and they would start issuing summons. Maybe all the ones where they went through the correct procedure of issuing letters etc. will also now be followed up by summons.


In a way I hope the serial offenders get taken to court and made an example of, like what happened in Scotland, this may cut down on the selfish parking of some people.


However for the genuine 'gone over time people' etc. I do think the cost is too high, however there does need to be some sort of enforcement for private land owners to stop people taking the ****!!

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Find out how to follow the court procedures first. Do it properly. Turning up like that is not the way it works.


Plenty of stuff on the web.


Each to their own. I have always adopted the policy of ignore the jokers ,and will continue to do so . Ok, some may be worried and panic when they receive the junk mail these scam merchants send them , but i will NEVER pay them a penny. Even if they did send me court papers ( and ive had nearly 20 of these scam invoices ) , i still would never pay them a penny. Quite a few of the invoices ive had are from the con artists at Parking eye . Am i worried ? ........... Not in the slightest as these idiots will never get a penny out of me even if they decided to finally send me court papers. Like i say ,some people are easily scared , a lot of arnt.


---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 10:22 ----------



In a way I hope the serial offenders get taken to court and made an example of, like what happened in Scotland, this may cut down on the selfish parking of some people.



I will let you know if the parking Scammers send me court papers ,as im one of the "Serial Offenders " you are talking about. You mention selfish parking , but Staples car park ,where i regularly leave my motor all day is never full ,and most days its not even a quarter full even on a busy day , so im hardly denying someone else a parking space . Hardly selfish.

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---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 09:05 ----------


MOOSEY I am new to this and if you have any info to help me in my case can you please pm

i got usually stuff wrote down

1 was their any great loss of earnings? at 12.30am - NO -unless car park was full and stopping other users from parking at the time.


2 2hr max stay issured - daughter stayed roughly 30mins over and was not aware of any breach till the court letter came.

3 stated time and date but no make ,model,of car etc if relevant

4 offered to pay for a day pass for loss of parking earnings and offered to pay court fees


any more info would be great


I'll send you a message at lunch.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I do remember warning that one day this would happen and they would start issuing summons.


Yep, me too. I said that once clamping was outlawed and word got around that you could ignore all correspondence they wouldn't roll over and let such a lucrative business be ended.


Only to be slated and accused of working for the parking companies.


Karma is a bitch isn't it, but schadenfreude is delicious!

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Yep, me too. I said that once clamping was outlawed and word got around that you could ignore all correspondence they wouldn't roll over and let such a lucrative business be ended.


Only to be slated and accused of working for the parking companies.


Karma is a bitch isn't it, but schadenfreude is delicious!



Me three.


My words were, if I recall, that the law doesn't give, give, give. It gives and takes.


We were given no clamping or towing, which is great, but now we've seen a Court of Appeal judgment goes in favour of a parking company, setting precedent, I think the days of "ignore" are long gone.

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Me four.


I have basically given up on this area of the forum because the advice of "ignore" no longer applies and hasn't done since October 2012 when the law changed. It has taken the Private Parking Companies a while to get up to speed and some are now processing hundreds of court cases a week.


But still such advice keeps being given. BBC Watchdog is well out of date.


The way to deal with this now is:


At all times not say who was driving.


1. Wait for the Notice to Keeper. This should arrive AFTER 28 days in the case of a ticket placed on the screen and BEFORE 14 days if it was a camera (ANPR camera)


2. Make a "soft appeal" to the parking company make it clear that is an appeal and make it clear you want a POPLA code.


3. When you get the POPLA code make your "hard appeal" to POPLA.


If you do this correctly you will win.


Details of winning appeals are on various websites http://www.pepipoo.co.uk is one. Good details can also be found on http://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk.


Many people are scared by the issue of court papers - especially since many believe they will have to go to Northampton (where bulk claims are issued). Best to stop things before then.


But the advantage of the POPLA route is that it costs the Private Parking Company £27.00 +VAT and the British Parking Association Ltd another wodge of money (also from the PPC) to do this. The result is binding on the PPC if you win and not binding on the motorist if you lose. Personally I like to cost them real money and not just a few pence in stamps.


If you are at the Letter Before Action (or Letter Before Claim, or Letter Before County Court Claim) stage then deal with it as instructed here:



(This written by a retired solicitor)


I believe this can be used - even if you have received court papers - not sure on that one.


Perhaps Moosey would be kind enough to say.

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Ive just read the section on Moneysavingexpert, the advice given (unless Ive read it wrong) is that you have to acknowledge an LBA within 14 days of receiving it. I got mine (and ignored it) much longer ago than that.


Does anybody actually KNOW what I should do now??

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