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Should the Unemployed become "indentured" workers

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Its not that silly


That is what life was like (a fair old time ago though, and not the hunting bit) for many people


I notice the lack of appreciation of looknig at things slightly differently gets a Troll report...... From someone who said Hallam is full of criminals :D double standards there I think :D


Hallam IS full of criminals...............Nick Clegg for one. A traitor to his party.

No double standards here my trolling friend.

Never look down on anyone, exept to give them a hand up.

Conrods 'humour' is slightly suspect............and boring.

Lets have a 'why dont we crucify all Torys' thread ?? :loopy:

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Hallam IS full of criminals...............Nick Clegg for one. A traitor to his party.

No double standards here my trolling friend.

Never look down on anyone, exept to give them a hand up.

Conrods 'humour' is slightly suspect............and boring.

Lets have a 'why dont we crucify all Torys' thread ?? :loopy:



So you want to execute all Tories by possibly the most barbaric method ever devised? OK

Im a criminal cos I live in Hallam? OK

My Grandmother entered "service" at 12 and genuinely believed it gave her a better life....shes obviously wrong? OK



I wish I was as "right" as you in everything I thought

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I dont think you ever STARTED school, never mind finished. And as for being repulsive you are the pits. :loopy:


Post/thread reported for trolling. :)

I reckon a good dose of sodomy would do you and Conrod the world of good.:gag:


Let me get this right Nimrod, you consider it necessary to report the thread for trolling, but your way of dealing with the matter in the thread is to turn (yet again, with remarkable consistency) to personal attacks and insults.


Do you actually have the capacity to argue a topic rather than just resort to personal attacks and name-calling every time you disagree with somebody online?

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They already do this & call it "work experience", but the taxpayer pays for their food & lodging, plus a bonus for the rich people that take a slave.
You can look on them as slaves, or perhaps you can look at those 'rich people' (in sensible conversations I think the term 'employer' might apply) as providers of free training.
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Your views and attitudes to people less privilidged than yourself are offensive. Everytime you post its the same old tirade against the less fortunate, or its direct 'trolling'.

I find your attitude disgracefull. You even try to disguise it with attempts at humour.

You have a strange and nasty attitude to people.....................you are a sad person. This is not 'namecalling or insults', but me pointing out what I regard as facts.

If you dont like it then be a little bit more respectfull towards people, specially the less well off.

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