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Should the Unemployed become "indentured" workers

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Make people work for a share of the production, within but half a year one man has provided enough labour to build a house. Within another half a year he has helped produce enough food to feed a man for 50 years.


Within a few years, these people would be forced to retire, having put in more than they are to take out.


Only if their living standards (income + purchasing power) are improved, can there be more SENSIBLE & PRODUCTIVE work created, for them to put in enough as they take out.


We should make the rentiers work. The laziest class of them all!

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Your views and attitudes to people less privilidged than yourself are offensive. Everytime you post its the same old tirade against the less fortunate, or its direct 'trolling'.
If we substitute "lazy/stupid" for 'less fortunate', you might be right. As it happens, I have no objection to the genuinely unfortunate being supported by the state.


I find your attitude disgracefull. You even try to disguise it with attempts at humour.
What do you think I'm trying to disguise? I don't believe in equality - all around I see people of very unequal worth. You don't have to share that view if you don't want you, but I won't name-call you if you don't.


You have a strange and nasty attitude to people.....................you are a sad person. This is not 'namecalling or insults', but me pointing out what I regard as facts.
Oh, I see. Which of these are 'facts':?


"a good dose of sodomy would do you and Conrod the world of good"

"I dont think you ever STARTED school, never mind finished."

"as for being repulsive you are the pits"

"Hallam IS full of criminals"

"Lets have a 'why dont we crucify all Torys' thread"


If you think these are facts, you must have more challenging issues than I thought. (And for the record, I'm not sad; it may disappoint you to know that I'm rather happy and fulfilled ;) )


If you dont like it then be a little bit more respectfull towards people, specially the less well off.
Respectful? . . . . do be a good fellow and read your own comments in italics above, then tell me - do you understand that word?


Now, it's rather late for those of us who have businesses to run and unpaid work experience minions to use and abuse in the morning, so I must away to my bed. Sleep well Nimrod, do try not to gargle too long on your left wing vitriol - you'll end up with a sore throat.


(And can we step back from the personal hijacking of the thread and keep it on topic?)

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Now it is obvious that "The System" doesnt work, should it be made easier for the rich to take on the workshy and sick as indentured servants?


Maybe, say, work for seven years for some sort of bed and board and renegotiate a new contract after that time?


Some small problems may need ironing out, but it seems pretty fail-safe to me


The poor get a roof over their heads, and no longer feel unworthy, whilst the richer people have more time to carry out interesting and potentially fruitful pass times......


I have a better idea. If the 'rich' have all of these jobs that need doing why don't they just employ some people do them by paying them a living wage.



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