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Continental (European) General Strike Begins.

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Austerity has spawned general strikes in individual countries across the troubled European Union. But this week may see something to add to the union’s tensions: a coordinated, multi-national mega-strike. Organized labor plans a general strike against the E.U.’s austerity policies, borderless and spanning the south of the continent. With more than 25 million people out of work, Europe’s biggest unions have vowed to lead marches and demonstrations on Nov. 14 that unite opposition parties, activist movements like Spain’s M15 and a growing sea of unemployed to challenge their national governments, banking leaders, the IMF and EU policymakers to abandon austerity cuts ahead of a high-stakes budgetmeeting in Brussels later this month.


What makes Wednesday’s strike even more threatening to Europe’s managerial elite is the strong support it is receiving from traditional labor groups that rarely send their members into the streets—foremost, among them, the European Trade Union Confederation, representing 85 labor organizations from 36 countries, and totaling some 60 million members. “We have never seen an international strike with unions across borders fighting for the same thing—it’s not just Spain, not just Portugal, it’s many countries demanding that we change our structure,” says Alberto Garzón, a Spanish congressman with the United Left party which holds 7% of seats in the Spanish Congress. “It’s important to understand this is a new form of protest.”




Peoples of Europe are uniting and rising up.

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We need more of this, and less of this.


This time, we all need to take the cash from the super rich corporations and use it to rebuild our societies. It is no use the working man going on strike, we have to be smarter than that.

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Looks like being confined to Spain, Portugal and Greece.




Certainly no mention of it on main French socialist websites.

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They should have been protesting 10 years ago at:


The massive credit bubble that convinced everyone that they were "rich"


The "light touch" regulation propounded by the likes of Gordon Brown and Alan Greenspan that allowed companies like AIG (in America) and Northern Rock (here in the UK) to get themselves into such an unholy mess


The speculative housing bubble that has created a generation of debt serfs


Pension raids by the likes of Gordon Brown (it's that man again)


Currency debasement that creates inflation at at time when wages are flat.


Instead they are protesting the symptoms of an unsustainable boom they all partook in.


It's the equivalent of fat people suing McDonalds for making them fat.


Too late, far, far too late.


You've had the party to end them all, you've had your fun, now it's 5:00 AM and the first light of dawn is revealing what a shambles everything is now in.


"They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind"

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I had not seen any of the planned demonstrations being shown on the news before this..have we been kept in the dark yet again by our puppet masters...labour or Tory.?..is there a choice.?..just a facade to dupe the working man..who really runs the country......starbucks and the rest of em..

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I had not seen any of the planned demonstrations being shown on the news before this..have we been kept in the dark yet again by our puppet masters...labour or Tory.?..is there a choice.?..just a facade to dupe the working man..who really runs the country......starbucks and the rest of em..

It's on the front page of the BBC News website. It's just also been mentioned in the Radio 4 10AM news summary. Doesn't sound like your puppet masters are very good at keeping things in the dark.

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I had not seen any of the planned demonstrations being shown on the news before this..have we been kept in the dark yet again by our puppet masters...labour or Tory.?..is there a choice.?..just a facade to dupe the working man..who really runs the country......starbucks and the rest of em..


It was all over BBC TV this morning...

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Now go back and read again......I said before.?

So after you saw it here, you went and looked for it elsewhere? That doesn't mean news of the demonstrations was being kept from you, it means you didn't look at mainstream news sources earlier.

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So after you saw it here, you went and looked for it elsewhere? That doesn't mean news of the demonstrations was being kept from you, it means you didn't look at mainstream news sources earlier.

No again...I saw it on the news this morning...I mean i did not see anything prior to this day..

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