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What do you do with candles?

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this is perhaps a forgone conclusion for anyone who knows me, but I burn mine. In different ways and for different things.


Sometimes I put essential oils on them, then burn them - which is far more effective as a room deodoriser than these flippin scented candles. You also have a wider range of scents to choose from and can choose an essential oil that will help you as well as smell nice.



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Admittedly, I like candles. They look good but when in use they create a romantic, relaxing atmosphere. At the weekend when I stayed in a hotel with the bird, I closed the curtains, put on some really chilled music (plenty of oldies like Meatloaf, Otis Redding etc) and lit a couple of scented candles, plus around 10 tea-light candles.


The gentle flicker of candle-light is much better than dull daylight (was raining) and easily beats the normal electric lights.. even with a dimmer!


But that's just me.

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You see the little cotton bit that sticks out at one end?....Its called a wick and you light it with a flame from a match, a taper, or if youre feeling a little devil may care a blowtorch :wink:


*Im being facetious :rolleyes: *


I used to use candles a lot as I was very big in the whole essential oils and incense chilling like a hippy kinda thing. Then my dad complained I was making the house smell like a tarts boudour and Ive not done it since :sad:


Also my mum and sis are scared of flames...and I am a rampant pyromaniac at times so yet another reason why I have been banned from candle use! It sounds weird but I liked fiddling with the molten wax and making little dudes....


Im gonna stop there before people think Im a psycho :loopy::thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

[snip] Then my dad complained I was making the house smell like a tarts boudour and Ive not done it since :sad:


Just out of interest, how does your dad know what a 'tarts boudour' smells like? :P



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Originally posted by nomme

Just out of interest, how does your dad know what a 'tarts boudour' smells like? :P




*strokes chin* (blimey I need a shave! :wink: )

I like to think my parents had a crazy wild rock and roll youth! After all they grew up in the 60s!

But the most exciting thing my mum did was own an afghan coat :rolleyes:


My dad must hang around with a lot of tarts! after all he has two daughters :wink:

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

It sounds weird but I liked fiddling with the molten wax and making little dudes....


Im gonna stop there before people think Im a psycho :loopy::thumbsup:


Strange that....oh wait I did the same thing and had battles with my playdough army:thumbsup: :loopy:


Something evil about playdough:twisted:

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Playdough was great! I used to love squeezing through all the things and making little worms!!!!!!!!


*ahem* not mad!


I even went through a phase of crafting actual playdough people in an attempt to be the next Nick Park!....

....That dream soon died when I realised I lack the patience to keep putting its legs back on when they fell off!!!!!!!

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