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Starbucks boycott gaining momentum!

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Go back and watch Question Time on iplayer - a Starbucks UK branch manager explains it all.


Already watched it thanks. I know there are some franchises that will be at risk. That doesn't change the fact that you said -


"Once again the intelligence of people lets them down.


Most Starbucks in the UK are franchises."


Using such a condescending tone is very unwise when you are wrong about most being franchises. As Kris Engskov, the managing director of Starbucks UK and Ireland, said -


"the franchise model would remain a small part of its overall business, with the majority of its stores continuing to be company-owned."


Most and a small part are far from the same thing. However, I might have ignored it had you not been so condescending in the first place but if you are going to criticise others' intelligence it might be wise to make sure what you say is factually correct.

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They are, costa are opening branches left and right. They aren't going to take all of Starbucks customers overnight, if at all. But if Starbucks take a hit because of their tax arrangements, there are companies who will take their customers and staff.


Can I suggest you are particularly defensive over Starbucks because they are American ? I bet they don't pay that much over your side of the pond either !!!!


Much more like Harriet Harman hates big foreign corporations. That's in line with the traditional Labour far lefty faction. If possible nationalize it and have the government set up a new Ministry of Java :D

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Starbucks are starting to feel the pain of dodging UK taxes with thousands of people simply now using competitors coffee shops to show their feelings on the subject.


Next time you're about to step into Starbucks, remember how they have been stealing from you, a genuine tax payer, to line their own already inflated pockets. Every quid they dodge has to be found from somewhere else- you!


Hit em where it hurts and dont give them your money. Power to the people!


Look around and simply use COSTA / NERO etc or even better a local independent.





I assume you or non of your family members work at Starbucks.



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Already watched it thanks. I know there are some franchises that will be at risk. That doesn't change the fact that you said -


"Once again the intelligence of people lets them down.


Most Starbucks in the UK are franchises."


Using such a condescending tone is very unwise when you are wrong about most being franchises. As Kris Engskov, the managing director of Starbucks UK and Ireland, said -


"the franchise model would remain a small part of its overall business, with the majority of its stores continuing to be company-owned."


Most and a small part are far from the same thing. However, I might have ignored it had you not been so condescending in the first place but if you are going to criticise others' intelligence it might be wise to make sure what you say is factually correct.


I don't get why the franchise thing is relevant. The owner chose to operate it as a starbucks (knowing they were not making a profit in the uk :suspect:). It probably gains custom from the name (I don't know why because their coffee is terrible) and loses if their reputation loses.

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I don't get why the franchise thing is relevant. The owner chose to operate it as a starbucks (knowing they were not making a profit in the uk :suspect:). It probably gains custom from the name (I don't know why because their coffee is terrible) and loses if their reputation loses.


I think the point being made, please correct me if I'm wrong anyone, was that the franchises have different tax arrangements that the company-owned sites.


For me, that is unfortunate but an issue for the franchises to take up with the Starbucks regime. If they can bring any pressure to bear and help foster a policy change then all well and good.

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May as well boycott all companies as most of them tax evade. I do say though, I am surprised people are banding together sort of speak and actually boycotting them. Bravoo!


I have said on the Amazon thread I will not boycott starbucks. My problem isnt with the law breaker but with the one allowing it to happen unchecked HM Government. Our law makers should be taking them to task and stopping it from happening.

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I have said on the Amazon thread I will not boycott starbucks. My problem isnt with the law breaker but with the one allowing it to happen unchecked HM Government. Our law makers should be taking them to task and stopping it from happening.


You're perfectly entitled to your position but, just for the sake of clarity, neither Amazon nor Starbucks have actually broken the law. That would be tax evasion. They have avoided tax in a legal but morally questionable fashion to a greater extent than some of their competitors.


Some of us feel that we would rather give our business to those competitors. That is not to naively assume that those competitors are blemish free or may not be exposed further down the line but we can only judge the information we have.


I agree that the system needs to change to limit the scope for tax avoidance but cannot absolve the companies most at fault of any responsibility.

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nobody pays tax if they dont have to.goverment at fault for not closing loophole.

wont bother me i get my coffee in ponds forge.all kinds of coffee ,cheap enough,plenty of room and nice and clean


Why then, for example, are Costa not being criticised the way Starbucks are?

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