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We are all in it together. Are we not!

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How much capital gains tax will they have to pay? Even if its 10% its £1.5 million, then there will be commission to pay to the auctioneers etc. Everyone's a winner, just some more than others. Capital gains tax, like inheritance tax and stamp duty must claw in a fair whack for government, then ultimately us.


Chatsworth is a fantastic place, I'm glad some of our heritage has been retained, and if to do so means selling assets then so be it. Personally I'd hate a) the responsibility of looking after an estate like Chatsworth, and b) having to let the public in to make it affordable.


Chatsworth isn't owned by the Duke of Devonshire any more. It's owned by a charitable trust.




I don't know the details, but I'm betting the DoD is the only person who has the right to live there. It's under a charitable trust to avoid paying death duties as these would long ago have broken up the estate.

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In todays star page15 it is noted that the right honourable the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire are to sell a little chalk drawing drawn by some one called Raphael.

This worthless piece of paper[to most members of humanity anyway] will bring them in 15 million quid just to tide them over until they are feeling a bit short again.

Perhaps their mate David Blunkett will have a Word in the ear that in some parts of England people are struggling to pay the heating bills and rent.

P.S. They only have another 14 Raphaels left but they could always rummage around for some other odds and ends if required.


You are poor, they are rich. Get over it before you die.

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Chatsworth isn't owned by the Duke of Devonshire any more. It's owned by a charitable trust.




I don't know the details, but I'm betting the DoD is the only person who has the right to live there. It's under a charitable trust to avoid paying death duties as these would long ago have broken up the estate.


Also sounds like a tax loophole to me.

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i dont think its envy as such, i can see the point of the rant.


were all suffering, the poorer are taking the brunt, people with no jobs, no services, no pensions etc etc

people commiting suicide cos of spiralling debt, losing their home, job


yet somebody whos still ok and not really feeling it can pluck something almost out of thin air to make a swift 15 million

how many police, drs etc would 15 million create?

how much would 15 million help to lower our debt?


but yes we're all in this together


the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, and in some cases, die


You buy a new car, a year later its lost 15 % of its value, within 5 years its only worth a half of what you paid for it. Within ten its worth the price of a bicycle. That Raphael and its like will have realized alot more value than when you bought it. That's why the rich do it, and if you got rich you'd do it too. Best of luck with the pools.:hihi:

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You buy a new car, a year later its lost 15 % of its value, within 5 years its only worth a half of what you paid for it. Within ten its worth the price of a bicycle. That Raphael and its like will have realized alot more value than when you bought it. That's why the rich do it, and if you got rich you'd do it too. Best of luck with the pools.:hihi:


Chance would be a fine thing...


What are the actual chances these days of becoming rich?


Social mobility has never been so low. A few might make it from the bottom to the top, but very very few. Whereas those with either money or connections have a very much better chance, and those with both will undoubtedly stand a very good chance indeed.


Hence the popularity of X factor or becoming a footballer - possibly the only two ways for a poor person to get on. But it's not true to say anyone with talent (and drive etc etc) will get on if they work hard enough, because they simply won't, and it's been proved statistically.

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