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We are all in it together. Are we not!

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Chance would be a fine thing...


What are the actual chances these days of becoming rich?


Social mobility has never been so low. A few might make it from the bottom to the top, but very very few. Whereas those with either money or connections have a very much better chance, and those with both will undoubtedly stand a very good chance indeed.


Hence the popularity of X factor or becoming a footballer - possibly the only two ways for a poor person to get on. But it's not true to say anyone with talent (and drive etc etc) will get on if they work hard enough, because they simply won't, and it's been proved statistically.

Well that poor soul Prince Charles has Anna he owns some vast estates down sowf somewhere he must have some talent!

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You buy a new car, a year later its lost 15 % of its value, within 5 years its only worth a half of what you paid for it. Within ten its worth the price of a bicycle. That Raphael and its like will have realized alot more value than when you bought it. That's why the rich do it, and if you got rich you'd do it too. Best of luck with the pools.:hihi:


Not if you buy a Peugeot secondhand, we could easily get nearly what we paid for it four years ago:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I suspect society was more tranquil and easily managed when people could just accept their place in the food chain.

I notice your quote from Churchill at the end of your post, I wonder if he made this when he was turning the troops onto striking miners.

Men by the way who's family's in the food chain were starving.

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I suspect society was more tranquil and easily managed when people could just accept their place in the food chain.


Really? History is littered with uprisings, some successful, some not.


The only reason starving people don't riot is because they don't have the strength, as can be witnessed in Africa. Tell them they should just accept their place...

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Lighten up eminence, they live in luxury and they charge us to see their house. Not everybody thinks that to pay £15million for a painting in these times is acceptable. We are in an economic mess and it's hardly surprising that people object
Its probably a good thing Monsieur Guillotine was born in France and not Sheffield.
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Really? History is littered with uprisings, some successful, some not.


The only reason starving people don't riot is because they don't have the strength, as can be witnessed in Africa. Tell them they should just accept their place...

They can make their countries what they wish - all they need to do is learn to work and plan and provide for themselves as Europeans have done for thousands of years.
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