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We are all in it together. Are we not!

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Is your hobby ' Being a feckless idiot'?

Have you considered that some parts of 'humanity' have evolved to such a stage that they appreciate art ... something that humans alone can appreciate? Do you realize that by saying 'Someone called Raphael' and 'worthless piece of paper' makes you sound like pondweed?

Are you saying that Raphael is rubbish?

The guy's dead ... one of the most important artists ever (for reasons that would be wasted on you) Why do you think people pay so much to own what he's made?

It's patently obvious that someone with money would be selling the picture ... that's how things work.

Have you ever been to Chatsworth and seen the herculean efforts put in by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire to allow people, like even yourself, to appreciate what separates us from monkeys? ... I think not.

Do you comprehend how much it costs the Devonshires to allow/maintain virtually free access to the world's history of the arts ... once again, I think not.

I bet you don't mind spending a bob or two going to Alton Towers (buy one-get one free) or adorning your walls with Athena 'Girl scratching her bottom' posters?

Do you not think, that by selling this picture, they may just use the proceeds to educate someone like yourself ... is it actually worth it? Who can tell.


France went through a revolution. Have you seen Versailles? It's hardly gone to rack and ruin has it? Been to Russia? Has some of the best art collections in the world in spite of (or perhaps because of) its revolution. And they are certainly for the people to look at and learn from.

Your argument for keeping Chatsworth in the hands of the aristocracy is somewhat flawed.


Now I personally have nothing against Devonshire's owning Chatsworth, but to disparage the OP as a feckless idiot and a pleb in the context of his post is unfair. People are hurting, their lives are being ruined. Of course they are angry. This is not envy but a sense of injustice.

Then to be told 'we are all in this together' is the final insult. Anyone who can't understand that must be lacking in any of the finer feelings which in my opinion makes them the idiot. Let's hope we don't have a revolution to prove me right.

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I'm not sure what your point is?


Let them eat cake?



So, I presume, everyone thinks Raphael's rubbish and that the Devonshire's should be hung-drawn and quartered? :roll::huh:


We should have a poll.



Lighten up eminence, they live in luxury and they charge us to see their house.


But not forcibly.


They don't come for you in the middle of the night and take you and your VISA card down to Chatsworth.

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France went through a revolution. Have you seen Versailles? It's hardly gone to rack and ruin has it? Been to Russia? Has some of the best art collections in the world in spite of (or perhaps because of) its revolution. And they are certainly for the people to look at and learn from.

Your argument for keeping Chatsworth in the hands of the aristocracy is somewhat flawed.


Now I personally have nothing against Devonshire's owning Chatsworth, but to disparage the OP as a feckless idiot and a pleb in the context of his post is unfair. People are hurting, their lives are being ruined. Of course they are angry. This is not envy but a sense of injustice.

Then to be told 'we are all in this together' is the final insult. Anyone who can't understand that must be lacking in any of the finer feelings which in my opinion makes them the idiot. Let's hope we don't have a revolution to prove me right.

As I have already said in my reply to Alco I have been invited to Chatsworth in the past due to being part of a charity event.

The thing that struck me while I was there is the fact that the very chairs and tables we were sat on were probably worth more than all the pennies and odd shilling or two we had collected over the years.


So there we where shaking hands and tipping our hats to the good and great of our Land when all they have to do is sell a mere piece of paper and in one swoop could have solved all our charities problems.


In retrospect I wish I had used that invitation for some thing else but we all get pulled in by the lie that we are all in it together at some time in our life don't we!

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i dont think its envy as such, i can see the point of the rant.


were all suffering, the poorer are taking the brunt, people with no jobs, no services, no pensions etc etc

people commiting suicide cos of spiralling debt, losing their home, job


yet somebody whos still ok and not really feeling it can pluck something almost out of thin air to make a swift 15 million

how many police, drs etc would 15 million create?

how much would 15 million help to lower our debt?


but yes we're all in this together


the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, and in some cases, die


They didn't pluck it out of thin air, they didn't get any richer. They converted an asset they already owned into a more liquid form.

Absolutely nothing changed regarding their level of wealth.

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As I have already said in my reply to Alco I have been invited to Chatsworth in the past due to being part of a charity event.

The thing that struck me while I was there is the fact that the very chairs and tables we were sat on were probably worth more than all the pennies and odd shilling or two we had collected over the years.


So there we where shaking hands and tipping our hats to the good and great of our Land when all they have to do is sell a mere piece of paper and in one swoop could have solved all our charities problems.


In retrospect I wish I had used that invitation for some thing else but we all get pulled in by the lie that we are all in it together at some time in our life don't we!


So basically you're jealous that they're rich... If I was to attempt to summarise.

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Jealousy is a terrible thing, it eats away at people and makes them bitter... Just learn to live with the fact that some people are richer than others - It would make for a far more settled frame of mind.

Even if there was a revolution, houses like Chatsworth would end up as the country retreat of one of our new Glorious Leaders

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So basically you're jealous that they're rich... If I was to attempt to summarise.

I am rich if I am honest as I have a car , a teli, a phone and a roof over my head [corporation].

So nothing to be jealous about.

No my point as well you know is the system that sees the Devonshire's and the hundreds like them hanging on to all the wealth stolen over the last 600 years.

This wealth could solve all the homeless, health, pension , and poverty problems that are prevailant in this Country today.

Chatsworth could become a health resort [convalescent home remember them places for sick and injured manual workers paid for by themselves].

The class system in England that even today runs the Country is a National disgrace.

Cambell Clegg,Johnson and also various so called Labour M.Ps come to mind.

Still we are all in it together are we not.

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Jealousy is a terrible thing, it eats away at people and makes them bitter... Just learn to live with the fact that some people are richer than others - It would make for a far more settled frame of mind.

Even if there was a revolution, houses like Chatsworth would end up as the country retreat of one of our new Glorious Leaders

As long as those leaders could be voted out and the publc wealth not passed from from one hanger on to the next, No problem.

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Jealousy is a terrible thing, it eats away at people and makes them bitter... Just learn to live with the fact that some people are richer than others - It would make for a far more settled frame of mind.

Even if there was a revolution, houses like Chatsworth would end up as the country retreat of one of our new Glorious Leaders


While ever the poorest in the country are relatively well off with a roof over their head, food in their bellies, and a regular job they will be reasonably happy with their lot and happy to live and let live.


But when the economy takes a down turn, for them there is no margin for error and they are plunged into economic crisis. It becomes literally a struggle for survival. Inequality is highlighted every day and becomes very personal. This is not envy or jelousy, but consmate proof that hard work and living a decent, honest life does not necessarily lead to success and prosperity. Indeed, the very opposite is often true, and never more so than at the moment.


Not understanding how angry this makes people is what starts revolutions. At least have a bit of empathy and try not to rub their noses in it or you might just get it bitten off. The British are slow to rise in anger, but they also have a very keen sense of fairness, and they are being very sorely pushed. We don't want to end up like Greece and Spain.


It is in everyone's interest to try and maintain a level of equality, fairness and honesty. And sympathy. The government might like to bare that in mind and stop spouting b******s like 'We're all in this together' when we so clearly aren't.

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