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We are all in it together. Are we not!

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So you are saying that 600 years ago this land was "stolen" and now should be given back - just like that. :loopy:


Stolen from whom exactly? Who 600 years ago was the victim of this theft? What were "the poor" doing with this land exactly. Are their ancestors kicking off about it now and bringing in a lawsuit? Do you claim to be one of them?


Sod generations of investment and upkeep, sod the millions of pounds of monies ploughed into the estate and the fact that the said estate land was SOLD to the family whom built the house. Who sold it? Was it your alleged "poor" people or maybe just maybe it wasnt free land in the first place and WAS actually owned by someone eh?


Would you like to maybe clarify and look up a few facts before you start your revolution


Have you never heard of the land clearances?


Have you never heard of the enclosure acts when common land was stolen from the poor .

The whole lot of the big estates in this area inc Welbeck, Chatsworth, and Harewood were divided up by Royalty and their hangers on .

And they are still laughing at us today by making sure that the Government is run by their pals from the Public schools.


So what are you some Land Robin Hood or something?


Here to save the day by reclaiming land enclosed by an Act of Parliament over 200 years ago. Some even as long as 800 years ago


Since the same logic applies why dont you have a revolution and attempt to get back all the "stolen land" from every dwelling in the country, every business building, every private premises.


I mean, lets face it - according to people like you at SOME point in the history of time presumably that land too was common land for the "people"


Pop down to where Tesco or maybe even your neighbours house is now and demand your land back. Tell them it belonged to the people pre 12th Century and its stolen.


ECCOnoob - Would it have been so hard to pause and acknowledge that some of your questions were answered and that you were shown something you didn't know before launching a whole new series of questions?

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Its a good job a lot of land was enclosed during the agricultural revolution otherwise we would have still been strip-farming in a most unproductive semi-subsitance fashion - Not exactly the foundations to build a modern economy on.


There also seems to be some fallacy that prior to the conquest of William the ******* in 1066 the lands of England belonged to "the people" - No they diddnt, they mainly belonged to the Crown, Church and other magnates; the only things that changed were the names on the deeds to the land.


Despite what some of the more "interesting" ideas propounded on here, there are more working class people own some land now then ever before :)

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So what are you some Land Robin Hood or something?


Here to save the day by reclaiming land enclosed by an Act of Parliament over 200 years ago. Some even as long as 800 years ago


Since the same logic applies why dont you have a revolution and attempt to get back all the "stolen land" from every dwelling in the country, every business building, every private premises.


I mean, lets face it - according to people like you at SOME point in the history of time presumably that land too was common land for the "people"


Pop down to where Tesco or maybe even your neighbours house is now and demand your land back. Tell them it belonged to the people pre 12th Century and its stolen.

I might even claim back the most valuable square mile of land in the World in central London from the Duke of Westminster.[How did he acquire that]

The rent and income from that could build and staff a few hospitals or new Schools.

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Its a good job a lot of land was enclosed during the agricultural revolution otherwise we would have still been strip-farming in a most unproductive semi-subsitance fashion - Not exactly the foundations to build a modern economy on.


There also seems to be some fallacy that prior to the conquest of William the ******* in 1066 the lands of England belonged to "the people" - No they diddnt, they mainly belonged to the Crown, Church and other magnates; the only things that changed were the names on the deeds to the land.


Despite what some of the more "interesting" ideas propounded on here, there are more working class people own some land now then ever before :)

Are there are also more working class falling into poverty at a faster rate than the 1920's and 30's and look what happened then especialy in Germany.

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Its a good job a lot of land was enclosed during the agricultural revolution otherwise we would have still been strip-farming in a most unproductive semi-subsitance fashion - Not exactly the foundations to build a modern economy on.


There also seems to be some fallacy that prior to the conquest of William the ******* in 1066 the lands of England belonged to "the people" - No they diddnt, they mainly belonged to the Crown, Church and other magnates; the only things that changed were the names on the deeds to the land.


Despite what some of the more "interesting" ideas propounded on here, there are more working class people own some land now then ever before :)

How did the land belong to the crown and church who gave it to them.

Your post suggests that nothing changed after the Conquest which it didn't it just got worse.

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Are there are also more working class falling into poverty at a faster rate than the 1920's and 30's and look what happened then especialy in Germany.


Yes, Ive just seen a man with a wheel-barrow full of cash going to buy a newspaper.

Are you really comparing the effects of the cutting of about 5% of Government expenditure to the depression of the late 20s/early 30s?

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Are you having a turn.

I have already stated that it is the stolen lands and wealth .

The lands stolen from the poor 600 years ago then distributed from royalty to all the gang that supported them.

They still have it today.That wealth should now be handed back to the most needy in our Country instead of rubbing poor peoples noses in the dirt telling them to get a job when there is no work available.

As to leaving worldly goods to your children that is entirely up to you.


What about these people? How many on this list are responsible for stealing from the poor 600 years ago? Many of them didn't come to the UK until quite recently. If they weren't here, then I fear in reality more people would be out of work.


Have a look and see who the really rich are: http://www.richest-people.co.uk/the-top-100/

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Yes, Ive just seen a man with a wheel-barrow full of cash going to buy a newspaper.

Are you really comparing the effects of the cutting of about 5% of Government expenditure to the depression of the late 20s/early 30s?


The current situation in Europe is exactly how things kicked of at that time.

If we ignore history then we do so at our peril.

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What about these people? How many on this list are responsible for stealing from the poor 600 years ago? Many of them didn't come to the UK until quite recently. If they weren't here, then I fear in reality more people would be out of work.


Have a look and see who the really rich are: http://www.richest-people.co.uk/the-top-100/

Sorry you have lost me!

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