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Amazon boycott - anyone doing it ?

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No I dont agree with the boycott. My argument is that the government should take them to task over the tax. If you could avoid paying tax without any incriminations, many wouldnt but some would. Its the lack of policing that I have a problem. This fairly and squarly stops with the government.


That is the essence of the boycott - support those who wouldn't. As I have said in reply to your post on the Starbucks thread (maybe they should be merged) I totally agree that the system warrants revision to limit the scope for tax avoidance but if some companies choose to do it more ruthlessly than others then consumers troubled by it have every right to exercise their consciences.

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Nice idea, we are all for saving the high street, but with Black Friday happening this week on Amazon more and more people will be turning to the retailer for their Christmas bargains.


And they are perfectly entitled to. To be honest I'd be heartily surprised if they didn't.

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Not according to Wikipedia



I was expecting you to say that, but I got the story years ago, in some Sunday magazine edition of the Observor or something like it. They did quite a story of Jesse's life, and who am I to disagree. If true, and I'm not saying it is, he must have been something of a fitness freak, or miser to walk all the way back and forth to Sheffield from Nottingham every week.The story also credited him with being the creator of cheap aspirin, on which the Boot empire flourished.:)
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No I do not have credible evidence but let's be honest we all know it is happening.


I also have morals and a conscience but I also am intelligient enough to know that morals and conscience will not put money in the bank and that is what is important these days.


I will live with the fact I am potentially not doing the right thing I can promise I won't lose any sleep over it.



Firstly, I assume you have credible evidence to substantiate the bit in bold. I would certainly like to see it.


Secondly, as I have said many a time I couldn't care less whether it will make a difference to Amazon or not. I have a conscience, I have principles, all I care about is knowing I am doing both my best and the right thing.

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I see that 600 council jobs will be going soon , as a result of lower funding from national government due to "austerity" . So let's say that each council worker is on £20 ,000 p.a. £12 million wage bill annually . Those job losses would not be necessary if tax loopholes were identified and closed , the money would be there !


This stupid government have , however , slashed the number of HMRC staff , so there are not enough people to collect even the most basic of taxes .... dooohhhh :mad: So start by beefing up tax regulation , put money into HMRC to chase those missing taxes , and then get that money into the system .


Any council employee who shops on Amazon have only got themselves to blame if they are made redundant next year because it's all interlinked . Too many people cannot see beyond the end of their own noses in the short term and whilst I appreciate that Amazon is fantastic , there are plenty of websites out there that are also pretty good ( Google makes money from that , but I felt that Matt Brittin , vice president for sales and operations , when appearing before Anne Robinson - sorry , Patricia Hodge , at the Commons Select Committee , gave a pretty decent account of Google's tax affairs).

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Well if your rich enough to not mind paying tax good on you.


It is NOT used to support vulnerable people it is used to line the goverments pockets so they can drive nice cars and go on many nice holidays.


No I do not have credible evidence but let's be honest we all know it is happening.


I also have morals and a conscience but I also am intelligient enough to know that morals and conscience will not put money in the bank and that is what is important these days.


I will live with the fact I am potentially not doing the right thing I can promise I won't lose any sleep over it.


First of all, we do not all know that tax is "not used to support vulnerable people it is used to line the goverments pockets so they can drive nice cars and go on many nice holidays." In your opinion it is happening but as you have no evidence to substantiate that it is happening then it remains only your opinion.


“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”


― Christopher Hitchens


Secondly, why do you seem to that that living in accordance with you morals and conscience and being intelligent are mutually exclusive?


Yes putting money in the bank is indeed important but so are other things such as doing the right thing.


Finally, I wouldn't want you to lose any sleep. You every every right to act as you see fit.

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First of all I suggest you take some grammar lessons or stop drinking as much.


Secondly, why do you seem to that that living in accordance with you morals and conscience and being intelligent are mutually exclusive?


I assume you mean secondly why do you seem to think that living in accordance with your morals and consience and being intelligent are mutually exclusive.


Amazon are not doing the wrong thing what they are doing is 100% legal just because certain people think it is immoral it does not make it the wrong thing to do.


First of all, we do not all know that tax is "not used to support vulnerable people it is used to line the goverments pockets so they can drive nice cars and go on many nice holidays." In your opinion it is happening but as you have no evidence to substantiate that it is happening then it remains only your opinion.


“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”


― Christopher Hitchens


Secondly, why do you seem to that that living in accordance with you morals and conscience and being intelligent are mutually exclusive?


Yes putting money in the bank is indeed important but so are other things such as doing the right thing.


Finally, I wouldn't want you to lose any sleep. You every every right to act as you see fit.

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