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Unleaded petrol into a diesel car

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Idiot that I am I managed to top my car up with unleaded petrol yesterday and it is a diesel car. I realised my mistake after 2 litres and quickly stopped!


Obvioulsy I started panicking that I had ruined the engine and this would cost me an arm and a leg but another customer in the petrol station said that I would be alright as long as I filled up right to the top with diesel. So that's what I did and so far it's been alright.


He said that if you put diesel in an unleaded car, that's when you are totally screwed!


I think i'vegot lucky but am seeking reassurance, am I in the clear?


Has anyone else done this?:help:

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Folk used to put a half gallon or so of petrol in diesel tanks and top up with diesel in Winter to stop the diesel "waxing" so don't worry you'll be fine. Just make sure you put at least 15 - 20 litres of diesel in extra.

But that was probably in old fashioned diesel engines, they are not the same as modern diesel engines.....she is prob gonna be safe tho i would guess....

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Yes, you should be fine as long as the petrol is mixed in with loads of diesel. As the other person told you, doing it the other way round is another matter.


My current car is a diesel after 25 years of driving petrol cars and I still arrive at filling stations chanting the word 'diesel' to myself under my breath because I know that the first time I relax I'll pick up the green hose the same as I have for all those years.


Good on you for spotting so quickly and stopping the pump :)

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