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Really "English"

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US English is a whole new ball game:)


Why so? Accents may vary by region but generally there aren't words used that shouldn't be part of modern English.


What the heck is "gannin" "yan" used by people in North England round Newcastle way?


Then there's good old Yorkshire, the language of my early years


"Sithee" "Geeooer" "Mardy" "daft aipeth"


For any foreigner who invested a considerable amount of money on a Berlitz English language course that stuff above must sound like anything from Greek to pig Latin but of course it's really left overs from early Danish with a bit of old Frisian thrown in.


Oh yes, Cockney rhyming slang musnt forget that

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What is an English issue?


The latest crazes in Morris Dancing? The price of PG Tips?



An English issue is anything to do with England....This country where we live and graciously allow former subjects of the Empire to reside

Maybe you should be only allowed to cast a vote in elections if your ancestors have lived here for say, 10 generations? ;)


I think Im being generous and inclusive at only 10 generations, maybe it should be more like 20?

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An English issue is anything to do with England....This country where we live and graciously allow former subjects of the Empire to reside

Maybe you should be only allowed to cast a vote in elections if your ancestors have lived here for say, 10 generations? ;)


I think Im being generous and inclusive at only 10 generations, maybe it should be more like 20?


Have you traced all 65000 ancestors then?


Or have you realised what an idiotic idea that was

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An English issue is anything to do with England....This country where we live and graciously allow former subjects of the Empire to reside

Maybe you should be only allowed to cast a vote in elections if your ancestors have lived here for say, 10 generations? ;)


I think Im being generous and inclusive at only 10 generations, maybe it should be more like 20?




A vote in the English elections? What are English elections?

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yes i have.....

Going back 10 generations gives you a total of 1022 people. I refuse to believe you've researched every single one. It's beyond comprehension.


Maybe, just maybe, if you're an aristocrat - you may be able to search back 10 generations so easily, and if that is true then I doubt every single one was English.

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