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China's World Dominance

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Looks like they will become the worlds biggest economy soon and will have the largest military spending in the next 20 years.


Jesus H Christ, uncle Sam will not like that at all.


The fireworks will well and truly be unleashed in the not too distant future mark my words.

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Looks like they will become the worlds biggest economy soon and will have the largest military spending in the next 20 years.


Jesus H Christ, uncle Sam will not like that at all.


The fireworks will well and truly be unleashed in the not too distant future mark my words.

Spoken with all the wisdom of the worldly. I'm shaking in my boots NOT.:hihi::hihi::hihi: Get some time in probie.
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Spoken with all the wisdom of the worldly. I'm shaking in my boots NOT.:hihi::hihi::hihi: Get some time in probie.


Yes it is quite amusing isn't it. China's economy is large because of the size of its population. So one could claim the EU as the largest economy once it has finished Hoovering up all the near bankrupt eastern European states.


In terms of per capita output China isn't in the same league as western nations, but still needs an infrastructure to look after 1.2 billion people or whatever the population is these days. On that scale China rates 94 in the world around 10% behind Algeria.


Mind you the USA also falls down the list for the same reason, behind such places as Luxembourg, Singapore, and Norway..

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Looks like they will become the worlds biggest economy soon and will have the largest military spending in the next 20 years.


Jesus H Christ, uncle Sam will not like that at all.


The fireworks will well and truly be unleashed in the not too distant future mark my words.


You mean like these ones..:hihi:


Massive Fire work display in china.



View from a mans window.Those Chinese are too safety conscious.They need bigger fireworks.


Also those poor animals having to go through that noise.

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China is shortly to launch it's first aircraft carrier. They bought it from the Ukranian Navy, probably a left over from the old Soviet Navy. Problem is that it cannot accommodate fighter aircraft just choppers :hihi:


Wait until they find out the collosal expenditure of building a naval fleet of nuclear powered supercarriers, destoyers and submarines, what it means to be the world's super power, spending billions on foreign aid, the experience of becoming involved in foreign conflicts, seeing their soldiers come home in body bags or walking around without legs or arms.


Meanwhile the US can keep it's own strong defence, keep all it's wealth where it belongs..... at home.... and wash it's hands finally of all the foreign problems and headaches and leave it all to China :D


The US could also sell billions of barrels of oil to China at inflated prices plus a lot of other raw materials since China doesnt have a pot to pizz in when it comes to having any of it's own natural resources

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China is shortly to launch it's first aircraft carrier. They bought it from the Ukranian Navy, probably a left over from the old Soviet Navy. Problem is that it cannot accommodate fighter aircraft just choppers :hihi:


Wait until they find out the collosal expenditure of building a naval fleet of nuclear powered supercarriers, destoyers and submarines, what it means to be the world's super power, spending billions on foreign aid, the experience of becoming involved in foreign conflicts, seeing their soldiers come home in body bags or walking around without legs or arms.


Meanwhile the US can keep it's own strong defence, keep all it's wealth where it belongs..... at home.... and wash it's hands finally of all the foreign problems and headaches and leave it all to China :D


Do choppers need a sloping ramp to take off nowadays?


It is an old soviet one but the clue is in the name i thought.Aircraft carrier.


They will be flying Sukhoi Su-33 defense fighters from it.




They are building a few carriers at the moment domestically but they still won`t be a patch on the US technology for some time.They do like back engineering all the US and Russian planes though.They have already got there own stealth bombers and fighters.


Engineer jailed for selling US stealth bomber technology to China



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Do choppers need a sloping ramp to take off nowadays?


It is an old soviet one but the clue is in the name i thought.Aircraft carrier.


Maybe the Soviets called it a carrier but what it really is is a piece of obsolete junk that even the Ukraine Navy dont want anymore.

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Do choppers need a sloping ramp to take off nowadays?


It is an old soviet one but the clue is in the name i thought.Aircraft carrier.


I'm not sure that China actually has any aircraft capable of taking off or landing from the carrier. They bought it in 1998 and have taken 14 years to get it seaworthy.

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