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China's World Dominance

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There comes a time in the rapid growth of an economy where it becomes necessary to take stock of the infrastructure because it simply cannot go any further.




There are lots of things that need to be address before China can move from a land of 500,000,000 cyclists to a land of 500,000,000 motorists who have fridges, central heating and widescreen TVs.

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How can China dominate when the world's financial capitals are still London and New York rather than Tokyo?


What has the capital of Japan got to do with it? :huh:


Shanghai (in China, by the way) is rapidly overtaking London and New York as the world's largest financial centre.

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China's economy is large because of the size of its population.


Wasn't China's population large 10 years ago?


20 years ago?


30 years ago?


Why weren't they the world's no. 1 exporter in 1982?


So according to your view of history, Deng Xiaoping didn't make a ha'porth of difference?



Wait until they find out the collosal expenditure of building a naval fleet of nuclear powered supercarriers, destoyers and submarines, what it means to be the world's super power


This is why the US national debt is set to reach $20 trillion by 2016 and why their debt ceiling has had to be raised 75 times in 50 years.


As a point of reference, it took just over 200 years for the US to rack up $1 trillion dollars of debt [1981], but only a further 17 years to hit $10 trillion [1998]. And it will have taken less than 8 years to double that amount.


Being a superpower "on tick" catches up with you eventually, just look at the USSR.



How long then to build and launch any carrier comparable to the USS Ronald Reagan, USS LIncoln or USS Truman?


China doesn't need ships to sink the indebted US.


Pentagon prepares for economic warfare


Although not mentioned in the above link, James Rickards' book Currency Wars is well worth a read.

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How long then to build and launch any carrier comparable to the USS Ronald Reagan, USS LIncoln or USS Truman?


At least Chinese astronauts aren't in the embarrassing position of having to "hitch a lift" if they want to go into space.


Russian Rocket Gives NASA a Lift to Space Station


Without the shuttle, NASA has no way of putting astronauts into space on its own.


The Chinese don't have this problem.


China's Space Program Accelerates


Even Iran is getting in on the act


Iran Space Agency to launch a monkey into space

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