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Do censorship laws need changing?

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I think the law is fine as it is - a £5000 fine would certainly make me think twice before posting something I shouldn't, but it needs to be higher or have the threat of a prison sentence for those who can easily afford £5000.


I think the problem is more down to the attention seeking Sally Bercrow than the law in question. For the past couple of years she's deliberately tried to court controversy for some bizarre reason known only to her.

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I think the law is fine as it is - a £5000 fine would certainly make me think twice before posting something I shouldn't, but it needs to be higher or have the threat of a prison sentence for those who can easily afford £5000.


I think the problem is more down to the attention seeking Sally Bercrow than the law in question. For the past couple of years she's deliberately tried to court controversy for some bizarre reason known only to her.


Thats not the point the law is pointless. When this child went missing her name was mentioned on every website going. Google "schoolgirl ran off with maths teacher in France" and you will bring up 1000s plus hits of webpages with her name on it. I am not naming her here as A) I dont want to be fined but B) the thread may close. Surely if its already in the public domain in such a huge way (given the hunt for this girl) then the law is redundant and needs changing.

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Thats not the point the law is pointless. When this child went missing her name was mentioned on every website going. Google "schoolgirl ran off with maths teacher in France" and you will bring up 1000s plus hits of webpages with her name on it. I am not naming her here as A) I dont want to be fined but B) the thread may close. Surely if its already in the public domain in such a huge way (given the hunt for this girl) then the law is redundant and needs changing.


Obviously you needed to know who she was and what she looked like when she was missing, but she isn't going to rebuild her life by getting her name dragged through the press or by twitterers with a long list (sometimes thousands) of followers. If people lack the intelligence (we're back to bercow again) or advice or in other cases moral fibre to leave things like this alone damn right they should be fined.

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In what way does being elected make someone superior?

Is that before being a good little drone and going to work in the morning, you'll suffer for it.


Yes I'd say SF users are unimportant, I can't see anyone on here bing some big shot, they tend not to mess about on forums.


Being elected makes a person superior in the sense that they inspire confidence to win votes in the first place. That's not easy unless you're prepared to vote for Joe Sludge from down t' pub who spouts rubbish.


I'm on a day off, thanks for your concern.

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389 MPs were caught fiddling their expenses a couple of years ago, that's a clear majority that were caught being scum. Some of them had to resign, others were prosecuted, most are still MPs.


I don't think all 389 were scum, some claimed for things they were later told were immoral regardless of the rules. The morality was apparently ordained by that paragon of virtue The Daily Telegraph.


The out and out swindlers were scum, those changing their addresses to do up houses etc. Those who claimed for decorations that were later decreed imorral by the Ayotollah's of expenses scrutiny weren't necessarily scum.

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That doesn't make them superior IMO, firstly because not everybody chooses to stand for election, secondly because popularity is not a measure of superiority.

It does make them more popular than the other candidates, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement is it!


Did we establish that Sally Berscrow has not been elected to any position, and so we are allowed (according to you) to criticise her?

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That doesn't make them superior IMO, firstly because not everybody chooses to stand for election, secondly because popularity is not a measure of superiority.

It does make them more popular than the other candidates, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement is it!


You've got to have something about you to get elected at all, even if its for running the tea club. It makes them superior to the other candidates and superior to most of the porridge that don't have the nous or the will to get involved in taking part in these things.


To your Bercow comment I say sigh, although more people read her views than any of the wisdom on here.

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You've got to have something about you to get elected at all, even if its for running the tea club. It makes them superior to the other candidates and superior to most of the porridge that don't have the nous or the will to get involved in taking part in these things.




Why does the fact that someone wants to get involved in politics make them superior to anyone else?

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Why does the fact that someone wants to get involved in politics make them superior to anyone else?


Well it means they're not apathetic driftwood on the sea of life for a start. However my election comments don't have to refer to politics, one doesn't even need to be elected. In life there are leaders and followers. The leaders tend to be superior, without them we'd still be in the sea wringing our fins wondering whether to move onto dry land.

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Well it means they're not apathetic driftwood on the sea of life for a start. However my election comments don't have to refer to politics, one doesn't even need to be elected. In life there are leaders and followers. The leaders tend to be superior, without them we'd still be in the sea wringing our fins wondering whether to move onto dry land.


Are you actually saying that our shower of politicians are the best 600 and odd people in the country..? Really?

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