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Stop inconsiderate parking!


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Near us is a blind bend on a narrow village road.A car is often parked on the bend forcing cars to pull out to overtake on the wrong side of the road.

If a car comes round the bend at the wrong time there will be nasty accident.

As I came up to the parked car I noticed a police car behind me.I stopped and had a word about the dangerous parking.

He agreed with me but said although it was inconsiderate it was not breaking the law as there was no restriction at that point and the police could do nothing about it.

His advice was to write to the local traffic agency. And what would they do????


What made me laugh was I was blocking the road and some cheeky beggar tooted for me to move,not withstanding I was talking to a copper in his marked car.

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Thanks everyone. The flats are all privately owned so there's nothing to threaten the driver with I don't think - that's part of the problem. I love the idea of moving it myself, ha ha! Would never do it though. Food for thought, thanks!


Check in your deeds if there is any covenant in RE parking.

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His advice was to write to the local traffic agency. And what would they do????



It seems that you've chosen to do nothing first, so they don't even have the option. Pot, Kettle... If you contact them and they do nothing, at least then you tried.

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I've knocked on their door but they never answer, even when I know they're in. They know the other residents are annoyed with them so I think they are avoiding the confrontation.


The management company have come back to me and said they are going to contact a company that issues fines to people parking like this. They put 'No parking' signs up and then fine people who park where they shouldn't. I know there's a lot of advice out there for people who receive these fines that says they can fight them, but people won't have a leg to stand on if they've received a letter telling them they will be fined AND there are signs everywhere. I really hope it works! It's annoying me so much!

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