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Girl framed by Muslim cleric still in hiding despite no case to answer.

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So we have sincere Islam haters, tarring all with the same brush, but hold on did not Bush start the war against Islam, as in Christians against Islam? So Islam became bad, and Christianity with hundreds of years of paedophiles getting choir boys to sing, off record of course, thus destroying unimaginable numbers of lives, so Christianity is OK.


So some who have a chip on their shoulder need to rub it up a bit for a thrill, and they have a clear target, and based on fragments of evidence that fits the distorted picture they worship. this time its Islam, but any convenient target will do in reality.


All ideologies are meant to bring insecure people into a larger family, giving them a sense of identity, and all are false, as its not the individual that benefits but the organisation, feeding like leeches off vulnerable people. Then one has the ideological haters, who adhere to a ramshackled ideology based on little more than believing an ideology is very bad indeed. They argue small points, scoring hits, like jerrking off in public, gives a flagging ego a boost. But in reality these lost souls are just marching under a different flag, and spouting the same nonsense with the same sense of conviction as the misguided people they critisise. Two sides of a psychologically disfigurement, different skin colours, different causes, but equally sadistic intent towards people they do not know but worse, are not interested in them a people at all.


I personally find it amusing that the ideologically intoxicated want to eradicate each other and in a perfect world they would both die in the attempt, but sadly its not that perfect, and all we are left dealing with is lynch mob mentality, dressed up as educated concerned, and reasonable psychopaths, pretending to be honourable decent people.


No, Bush didn't start a war against Islam. If there IS a war between Christianity and Islam somewhere, it was started way before Bush came slouching along.

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It is gratifying to learn that some people like to regard stealing sweets as equal in criminality value to that of a rampant serial paedophile. Through examining the foibles of the sweet thief, on can condemn their family, the way they lives, their educational achievements and life prospects, and propensity for all sorts of crime. Through such a glib, narrow minded focus it is obvious that stealing sweets could even be considered as a candidate for the death penalty.


Through pontificating the narrow view, one can reshape the psychological landscape, and not just condemn a sweet thief, but extrapolate from that, the conclusion that all people that live in such a vicinity, are obviously tarred with the same brush. As one condemns such people as forms of filth, it is obvious such manipulations can then be attached to people on benefit, single mothers, immigrants, religions, skin colour or anything one wishes to express their contempt upon. This contempt allows such an individual to feel superior, thus forgetting that genetic research into humanity, suggests we are unique. This uniqueness is due to the fact we are genetically incestuous compared to all other animal life forms on this globe, except those not one the verge of extinction, and like us have been reduced to a small gene pool.


To a psychologist, of psychiatrist it is obvious some people in this forum have personal issues that they manage to deny through finger pointing, and blaming outsiders for whatever is the media fashion at the time. It’s them that are fault innit, not us! One does not have to assume, as people write, therefore exposing how they have learned to translate feelings into the limitations of language. So its not about being personal, its about expressing pity through attempting to explain there are more viewpoints than the limits of with us, or against us, the game of simplistic restrictive just two views fore and against!!!!!!


People are far more flexable and adaptable, than they have been taught to expect from themselves.

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You are so right, Bush is NOT at all "to blame for the stonings ,the honour killings and all the other pleasant pastimes they get up to in the name of Allah"


In fact he Bush the Lush, and his band of heroes would never stoop so low. What is the point far too few get killed that way, its expensive, time consuming, if not a waste of time.


No these are just petty crimes, compared to killing over a million Iraq's, covering the land with depleted uranium, as in Libya, and Afghanistan. No petty murder is nothing compared to mass murders, who needs tyrants when we have the USA and its band of heroes killing for corporate profit. The ones needs to create terrorists, people who object to their families being murdered in the name of democracy and freedom. So with vengeful people, they can then milk their taxpayers for billions to pay for wars, and watch their friends shower the government of the day with corporate goodies. On the other hand some like Blair get their rewards after the damage is done. Don’t you just love the smell of freedom.


What you tend to forget is we in the democratic west do things so much better, and always leave a mutilated country full of mutations and with the uranium everywhere, its generation after generation. Deformed children are normal occurrences in all the places depleted uranium explosives are used, so Bosnia, never mind the 6 wars in Africa with drones spreading the future magic deformity dust, in Somalia, Yemen, soon Syria, and lets not forget the cravings for the obliteration of Iran by Israel and its bully friends.


Those killing in the name of Allah, just cannot compete or compare with professional democratic killers, warmongers. So lets continue to blame the few, while hundreds of thousands meet their maker thanks to NATO, and other USA military fronts.


Knowing a little is good. People with limited knowledge of bigger pictures might decide one day to check other facts, evaluate a bit more evidence, and maybe see things in a perspective never imagined before. On the other hand ignorance is bliss, and its nice to have a laugh at how daft some people are. Thought of becoming a comedian?

I couldnt get the job because you wouldnt step down:D

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