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Doctor supplies cannabis to patient

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What do people think about this?


A Chesterfield GP could be struck off after supplying cannabis to a woman who was suffering with terminal cancer.


The patient was in extreme pain, so the doctor obtained cannabis from another of his patients, in order to relieve that pain.


Full story is here: http://www.sheffieldtoday.net/ViewArticle.aspx?SectionID=58&ArticleID=733535




My feeling is that he shouldn't be struck off - maybe he broke the law but he has the best interests of his patient at heart. If he is struck off, then we've probably lost a good doctor.

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albeit purported. I guess I should as to see the license. I can understand why the licence may have been awarded as they are not very well and would benefit from the properties of the plant if they took the licence up.


But they haven't



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Well doctors can't prescribe cannabis in this country and the only people with cannabis growing licences are the companies that are participating in the current medicinal cannabis tests - individuals can't get a licence.


Back on topic, if he gets struck off then it's a disgrace - he's trying to help the patient. It's not his fault the Government are to useless to let him prescribe it. It's good that you can use cocaine and opium for medical reasons but not cannabis, honest :loopy:

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