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Doctor supplies cannabis to patient

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ive got fibromyalgia (if ya dont kn what it is try google) n its very similar to ms/me/chronic fatigue blah blah and i suffer with extreme pain alot of the day, along with IBS and I have never been recommended it by my doc but i do use cannibis when in extreme pain and also with my IBS. It is a known treatment. It really is amazing. Thing is, a couple of puffs does the trick for pain so theres no excuse to have a large amount. My Grandfathers doc told him to smoke it when he was dying with cancer, it really helped him deal with the pain.


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Cannabis is illegal in the UK, no amount of medical justification will change that - if they want to arrest and imprison you for possession, they can, even if you have MS, terminal cancer, fibromyalgia, cluster headaches, glaucoma, nausea, chronic pain, spamsms or anything else that herbal cannabis tends to help and relieve.


The doctor in question was treating a terminal patient in palliative care at home, who was not responding to normal painkillers. In the event, Dr. Thornton may have been involved in the assisted suicide of the patient, but I understand that matter is also under investigation at his request.


His senior partner at the surgery has come forward to commend this doctor for his attitude and commitment to the care of his patients.


His error of judgement, as far as the GMC is concerned is not that he supplied cannabis to a patient, but that he bought cannabis from another patient.

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