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Maybe, but often people just get on and make their way home. People have a homing instinct after an incident. Read accounts of women/men who have been raped or mugged in Sheffield or anywhere, they often end with 'and I flagged a cab and went home' or 'and I walked home and went to sleep/had my tea/had a shower or 'And then I caught the bus home'. People seem to do this first whatever happens. Sometimes calling the police that night, sometimes next day, some times never. Maybe his story wasn't true, but I know enough incidents socially in Sheffield to consider it may be true.


He was kidnapped and tied up by toothless chav crackheads, who shared their drugs. He had no idea where he was, and was tied with chains, but retrieved his phone and called a taxi to the address where he was hiding in the bushes... You had to read the full account to appreciate the pure comedy story he had given his girlfriend.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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it wont surprise me if this post gets took down. I ENQUIRED about some guy on here called something like sissus who had started his own new religion( realy funny) and wanted to know if he had been crusified as all the posts he made disapeared just as my request did. The mods seem to have an aversion to humour on here which i find realy frustrating especialy when i get a suspension for an un offensive joke!



I think this is the thread youre talking about...http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1080039&highlight=religion

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I read it. It sounded confused. Having spoken to the people I mentioned, it doesn't sound too dissimilar. What struck me in the way she wrote it was the terror and confusion in the way he and she told it. Its difficult to replicate that. The disorganisation and confusion of the telling is in keeping with the way people reccount experiences like that. And it was her account of his account. The way she described his description was similar to what I have seen/heard. To me the dissorganisation and confusion of telling by him to her and her to us is what made it seem more likely to me. If it is fiction she/he is a good storyteller. When people recount trauma they don't tell it in an orderly rational way. Like I said I earlier I know a few people in Sheffield who have been taken by force in some way and either forced to withdraw money/raped, they were all for certain telling the truth and all were followed up by the police. I am certain the Police and Medical/Social people know of a lot more incidents.

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I know a man who was 'kidnapped' from West Street, bundled in a white van and taken to a cash point, where he was forced to withdraw the full day allowance of £250 and then was dumped.


I was also a student with a very beautiful young woman who was standing at a bus stop in Broomhill talking on the phone, a white van pulled up, men jumped out and tried to bundle her in, about 11pm. She fought, kicked and got away, and her friend on the phone heard it all and ran to find her. Police said she shouldn't have been out on her own at 11pm.


I know of another young woman (I don't know her identity) who the same thing happened to, she was taken to a house and raped, before being 'dumped'


There was also a case in the news this year of a woman who was taken by force from West Street Live, no one noticed, and taken to a house and raped, before being 'dumped'.


On holiday, my friends and I irritated the waiter with a small tip, he followed us to a bar, bought my friend a 'cocktail', shortly after she could not move or function and showed all the symptoms of the date rape drug. Fortunately we were with her and looked after her.


A friend, 50 year old man, had his drink spiked with the date rape drug in the Forum, was bundled into a taxi and had his wallet and phone stolen. He was alert enough to force his way out of the taxi- he fell out onto the pavement, and fortunately the bouncer was alert enough to recognise something was wrong.


I know another date rape drug incident too. All known socially. All 'nice, hard working people' all normal in their social habits, not particularly outgoing or risk taking. All incidents happened either in Broomhill or West Street/Division Street.


**** happens, in Sheffield.

you sound dangerous to be around!

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Maybe, but often people just get on and make their way home. People have a homing instinct after an incident. Read accounts of women/men who have been raped or mugged in Sheffield or anywhere, they often end with 'and I flagged a cab and went home' or 'and I walked home and went to sleep/had my tea/had a shower or 'And then I caught the bus home'. People seem to do this first whatever happens. Sometimes calling the police that night, sometimes next day, some times never. Maybe his story wasn't true, but I know enough incidents socially in Sheffield to consider it may be true.


I'll admit people do have a built in homing device, but as Leah says to hide in bushes, with absolutely no idea where you are. Then call a bloody taxi to pick you up, now that goes beyond the realms of spooky & probability.

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