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Why is car price so high in the UK?

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They know people in the Uk will pay any price for the convenience offered by the car.People have become overdependent and are therefore have become exploited.They should be more resistant to the social pressures and use an alternative.The car firms know British drivers are a soft touch,mugs in fact who moan but still shell.


Unlike in the US where people are happy to walk :roll:

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Try looking at Ireland. I am familiar with many car markets across the Continent (mostly western EU) and within the EU, but in my experience Ireland pips every last one to the post, by a country mile.


Usually around 40% dearer than UK, after VRT has been applied (which props up 2nd-hand value there far more than any Romania-exporting, scrap-incentivising schemes ever could, since cars 'carry' that double-digit tax loading for their entire life). Oh yeah...the VRT is calculated on the selling price of a vehicle, inclusive of VAT. Did anyone say, "daylight robbery writ large", here? :D


When we moved there in 2004 and imported our car with us, we were (thankfully!) exempted from paying the VRT because we'd owned the car for more than 6 months before the move. Otherwise the bill would have been €2,5k based on the Revenue Comissioner's official value (the 'OMSP') for the car (1998 MX-5 Mk1, so 6 years old by that time). After 12 months, we could have sold the car with a mark-up of well over €2,5k (VRT amount we didn't have to pay plus whatever more we could get, which is a lot because 'good' 2nd hand cars are pretty rare over there), bringing it to at least 50% dearer than its equivalent 2nd-hand value in the UK!


Good and accurate post by Longcol about France at 20-25% dearer than UK as well (I am very familiar with prices there, and have been for a long time, as I help my family there whenever they change their cars). In north-east France, most people go across the border to buy in Luxembourg because of the lower list prices and lower VAT, and better spec as standard.


All swings and roundabout, and a non-debate really.

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So could an Irish person buy a car in England, keep it there for six months and then import it and get around the big tax?
LOL, if this hasn't been asked, debated and explored a gazillion times before on Boards.ie (Dublin/Ireland's "equivalent" to SF)... There's a megathread on Boards about importing cars from the UK and the VRT, that must be at least 7 or is 8 years old now, with thousands of posts and hundreds of thousands of views!


In a nutshell: no, because that Irish person would not reside in the UK during that 6 months (only the car would be). You must have owned the car for 6 months before you came to Ireland:

Temporary or new residents who have previously registered their vehicle abroad for more than six months (and are additionally prevented from selling their vehicle for twelve months after moving to Ireland)
(from the linky in post #23).


It's not easy to "get around the big tax" at all, it's a major earner for the Irish Gvt and local vested interests (Irish car dealers and professionals).


I am informed that, more than ever in these austere times, the Gardai regularly carry out improvised roadside stop-search operations, complete with artic car transporter ready to load seized cars thereon (if cops 'nab' you (even on suspicion alone) for evading VRT, the car is seized there and then - and you walk home).

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Well it would if you drove something a little more economical than the QE2. You'd get through like 13 bucks a day in something with half decent economy.


3 bucks a gallon is roughly 50p a litre.


We are paying $8.35 per US Gallon (If my maths is correct)

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