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Anyone had any impacted wisdom teeth removed? Advice needed please

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Hi, Ive recently been referred to have two bottom wisdom teeth out, that are mostly impacted in my gum. Theres no room for them to come through and i keep getting repeated infections. What Im wondering is whether i will be able to request a general anesthetic rather than a local as I have a real phobia of needles/blood/medical procedures....starting to break out in a sweat just thinking about it :gag: I had a cyst removed under local once and passed out half way through and that only took a few minutes! Ive read it can take up to half an hour to extract an impacted wisdom tooth...I have had a wisdom tooth out before but it wasnt impacted and literally took seconds (I just closed my eyes and didnt look at the needle)

Any advice would be gratefully recieved as at the momnet Im thinking if they cant knock me out Im not having it done...Im such a wuss :help:

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Where have you been referred to?

Have you spoken to your dentist about this?

Don't know if dentists can give a general anaesthetic in there usual surgery-and I don't know that I'd want it without proper medical back up anyway.

Have you been referred to the dental hospital?

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I had all 4 of mine out at the same time under a general anaesthetic when I was 17, as they were all impacted and they were buckling my other teeth.


I think you need to wait for your appointment to come through and then discuss this with the clinic when you get there. It's likely that if you've got impacted teeth on both sides of your jaw then they will either have to choose to do each side separately under a local or both sides under a general, since they're pretty big teeth, and I would imagine that your wishes would be taken into account at that stage.


There's a half way house of being sedated rather than actually under a general too, which they may consider depending on your circumstances.

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I had mine removed as a teenager at the hospital. I don't know what they give you, but it makes you properly high! High as you get! I went in sat down, was chatting, they put something in my hand, I remember being very high, giggly, telling this group of young attractive men all sorts of things, that I seem to remember were totally innapropriate, I suspect it was either about sex or my parents!!, but I have no memory of what I said. I remember laughing a lot, and making them laugh a lot. They took all four out, I felt no pain. Then my Mum came to collect me. They told her with a smile that I was lovely and to look after me. I remember I was annoyed at the indignity at having to be wheeled in a wheelchair to the car and argued with my Mum about it. Zero pain whatsoever. Massive high, then went home and slept. I don't know what they gave me, but I recommend it!

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I had mine removed as a teenager at the hospital. I don't know what they give you, but it makes you properly high! High as you get! I went in sat down, was chatting, they put something in my hand, I remember being very high, giggly, telling this group of young attractive men all sorts of things, that I seem to remember were totally innapropriate, I suspect it was either about sex or my parents!!, but I have no memory of what I said. I remember laughing a lot, and making them laugh a lot. They took all four out, I felt no pain. Then my Mum came to collect me. They told her with a smile that I was lovely and to look after me. I remember I was annoyed at the indignity at having to be wheeled in a wheelchair to the car and argued with my Mum about it. Zero pain whatsoever. Massive high, then went home and slept. I don't know what they gave me, but I recommend it!


Hehe Your reply made me laugh! Sounds quite a comical situation lol...Doubt I'd be laughing when it's my turn tho :-/

Thanks for the replies though, put my mind at rest a bit. At least it soundsile GA is a possibility. Guess I'll have to see what they say at Charles Clifford. Think I need to get my silly phobia sorted before my teeth....Thanks again.

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Hi, Ive recently been referred to have two bottom wisdom teeth out, that are mostly impacted in my gum. Theres no room for them to come through and i keep getting repeated infections. What Im wondering is whether i will be able to request a general anesthetic rather than a local as I have a real phobia of needles/blood/medical procedures....starting to break out in a sweat just thinking about it :gag: I had a cyst removed under local once and passed out half way through and that only took a few minutes! Ive read it can take up to half an hour to extract an impacted wisdom tooth...I have had a wisdom tooth out before but it wasnt impacted and literally took seconds (I just closed my eyes and didnt look at the needle)

Any advice would be gratefully recieved as at the momnet Im thinking if they cant knock me out Im not having it done...Im such a wuss :help:


soz ...i know you're not in a fun place. length of procedure in my experience correlates to the competence/experience of the oral surgeon. go to someone who's been doing this a while and at as high a level as possible. i recall having the needle...a clattering of dental instruments in my mouth...and i was on my way. i thanked them profusely for their efficiency.


infections are serious business ... you don't want those eating on your jawbone ... you can guess where that may lead. i'm pulling for you to have the courage to get through this.


you mention it could take as long as 30 minutes...assuming it takes that long, think of it as the very small proportion of your life that it is. out of all the hours of your life...30 minutes and you have this done and behind you.

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soz ...i know you're not in a fun place. length of procedure in my experience correlates to the competence/experience of the oral surgeon. go to someone who's been doing this a while and at as high a level as possible. i recall having the needle...a clattering of dental instruments in my mouth...and i was on my way. i thanked them profusely for their efficiency.


infections are serious business ... you don't want those eating on your jawbone ... you can guess where that may lead. i'm pulling for you to have the courage to get through this.


you mention it could take as long as 30 minutes...assuming it takes that long, think of it as the very small proportion of your life that it is. out of all the hours of your life...30 minutes and you have this done and behind you.



Aw thanks for the encouraging post! You're right, I need to get the

both taken out. Had repeated infections in both sides for years but they seem to be getting more frequent and more painful! I never thought to ask my dentist how long I'd be waiting for an appointment to come through. I understand there little pain with a local but I don't mind pain (gave birth twice with only gas and air as I couldn't bare the thought of an epidural!) it's just the thought of what they'd be doing....oh well, gotta be brave I guess lol. Thanks.

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