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Anyone had any impacted wisdom teeth removed? Advice needed please

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Dentists cannot give general anesthetic in the chair anymore, Charles Clifford hospital can operate under general however. As others have stated, sedation is an option for you. I had my wisdom teeth (impacted) out at the dentist and the experience was so bad it further put me off dentists, to the extent I did not go for nearly 20 years (I now have a dentist I trust, I've even had a filling sat in the chair). I have had sedation three times, the first time I did not have any adverse reaction to the anaethestist, the second time it knocked me sick for a couple of days and the third time they had to cancel the procedure as I was threatening to lamp the dentist !!!!! I don't remember ANY of the times in sedation after the needle in the back of the hand. Take your emla cream, apply this to your hand before they start and you should be ok x.

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My wife had exactly the same procedure and was given a sedative. She has similar issues to you but, once the drugs kicked in, she wouldn't have cared if they used a rope, towbar and a Land Rover to get the teeth out.


Don't worry, you'll be fine.


LOL at the rope/towbar comment! Good to hear the sedatives worked well for your wife though...if the dentist can guarantee id feel the same, Id give it a go (yikes, did i just say that?!)



Thanks twibstix too. Sorry to her you had a bad experience the first time around. This sedative milarkey does seem to work for people (I didnt even realise they gave you any-just thought they numbed the area) so maybe I should give it some serious consideration...I might not have a choice at the end of the day anyway...gulp!


Thanks for all the advice peeps.

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You really do not remember anything happening in your mouth, I remember thinking the dentist on the third time was a patronizing bint, which was probably why I wanted to lamp her but I don't remember any of the aborted procedure. You are not put to sleep so don't have a long recovery time, but obviously you are not allowed to drive after and I would not advise being alone but you will be fine x

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I had my bottom one removed a couple of years ago and was offered either local or general at a preliminary appointment at the Dental hospital in town. At that appointment they did Xrays and discussed the options with me. I chose general and had it done at the regular hospital in town (hallamshire is it called?). It wasn't a pleasant experience to say the least. Very painful afterwards, gave me some sort of ear problem that made me constantly dizzy and nauseous for a while afterwards and took a long time to heal. The worst thing was they wouldn't let me leave the hospital until I'd eaten something! I can still remember that cheese sandwich, it took me like 2 hours to eat it, so painful!


It was worth it in the long run though - no more painful infections!


I've had both my top ones removed too but just had those done at the dentist with a local.

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obviously you are not allowed to drive after and I would not advise being alone but you will be fine x


This sounds familiar! I had a bad experience with mine, I was very nervous and started crying in the chair and he never asked once if I was ok, just said 'why are you crying?' and then got stuck in. I wasn't given any after care advice and left the dentist still crying. I then went to the bus stop to go home and ended up passing out on London Road. A lovely gentleman called an ambulance and sat with me holding my hand until my partner arrived...it wasn't until I got home that I realised I had mascara and bloody drool all over my face and l looked a right state! :hihi:


BUT, please don't be put off by this because on the bright side, I now have a patient and understanding dentist and my teeth are in much better shape. If I had to have my other wisdom tooth out I'd have no worries letting him do it. A good dentist will listen to your fears and concerns and discuss all your options with you. Hope everything goes well!

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Aye, had my impacted wisdom tooth removed at Charles Clifford also. The tooth was sat on the facial nerve, and my local denist refered me there.


A jab in the gum, 5 minutes wait, student cut (exposed) the tooth, main man drilled the tooth until he could break the head off, then fished the roots out (very gently) the second student stitched the gum up - job done. It did take around 20 mins from start to finnish, it was a little "uncomfortouble" holding your mouth wide open but it was an absoloutely painless procedure.



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Aye, had my impacted wisdom tooth removed at Charles Clifford also. The tooth was sat on the facial nerve, and my local denist refered me there.


A jab in the gum, 5 minutes wait, student cut (exposed) the tooth, main man drilled the tooth until he could break the head off, then fished the roots out (very gently) the second student stitched the gum up - job done. It did take around 20 mins from start to finnish, it was a little "uncomfortouble" holding your mouth wide open but it was an absoloutely painless procedure.




Oh no!!! Too much information!!!:o

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