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Friends of Frecheville Park and Pond


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Who are we?

FFPP - (Friends of Frecheveille Park and Pond),

We are a newly formed group of local people and volunteers who are working together to improve and maintain the local area of Frecheville Park and Pond. We enjoy the support of the local Authority, local Councillors and the Police.


Volunteers are already active in cleaning up the local area and working towards improvements.


Where do we meet?

Our present meeting place is the Community Centre, Churchdale Road. We have also formed a link with the Bowling Club, local schools and the Park Rangers.


What are we aiming to do?

We aim to:


  • promote community recreation and play facilities in a safe environment.
  • maintain the area around the pond and park for the benefit of everyone to enjoy.
  • work with the Local Authority and the Police to make sure Frecheville Park and Pond get the development and support it needs.


For more information you can visit our New Website "frecheville-ffpp.org.uk" where you can get involved, leave a comment, download our documents/minutes of meetings etc... When you visit don't forget to sign our Guestbook, contact us using the "Contact Form" please let us know your views.

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