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Carers benefits advice please.

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Hi :wave:


I was wondering if anyone could answer a question I have please in regards to carers allowance and carers premium please, basically my husband is now my mother`s carer as I can no longer be her carer due to health issues, he has made a joint claim for income support with me added which is now in payment but his claim to carers allowance made on the 8th October is not in payment, his claim to carers allowance has been successful but no arrears can be paid until income support return a form to them with details of what amount he has been paid already by them... I phoned income support to chase this up and they said we are receiving carers premium but only for me...my claim closed on the 8th of october, I stopped being a carer on the 8th of october so why am i still receiving carers premium on my husbands carers claim :huh: when i quiz them about this they don`t even know themselfs!


So here is what I think...the carers premium is meant for my husband and they have got mixed up but what i really want to know is, is carers premium instead of carers allowance or as well as, does he get both or just one.

Im totally confused and would welcome any advice given. Thanks for your time. x

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The way it works (I think) is that your husband's Carers Allowance will be added to and then deducted from your Income Support and then Carers Premium will be added. The people I know who are in this situation are single so the figures will be different for you but generally they'll get CA of £58 and IS of £71 making £129. The CA is then deducted because IS is means-tested and so it goes back down to £71 but Carers Premium of £32 is then added putting you up to £103. If you have further problems see http://www.advicesheffield.org.uk/get-advice/find-an-advice-service for your nearest advice service.

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