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How Many Cigs Do You Smoke A Day? What's Normal?

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I was an addict too for years. (i'd have rolled up from someone else's ashtray if I'm being honest) stopped for a year cold turkey then started again, was more addicted than before, saw family members die from lung cancer and knew had to stop. and it took months but I have done it, I know that I can't risk smoking even one again (thats how I started again last time). I still have odd cravings but they don't last long. I miss bits about smoking but there's a lot of benefits too-breathings better, I don't stink,house is cleaner, I don't miss life cos I'm thinking when can I go for a fag, and I'm less likely to die horribley and too young.

There is a way for everyone to stop rampent-a good book is the one by Alan Carr (no not that one), hypnosis helped me -but I was already half way there-for some people its a one off solution, gum( I used that too) patches are right for some, there's a tablet your GP can prescribe (but only in certain circumstances), there's groups (that was never for me-but each to their own.

Just remember everyone is different and there will be a way for you-to be honest I thought I could never stop but eventually I did,



Thank you. How long do the cravings last for? Mine go for an hour and I give in. Must admit I am down to 30 a day now :banana:

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Anyone who wishes to give up smoking WILL give up smoking. It is merely a matter of making it a priority. It you can make it your main priority for several months you will succeed. The craving left me after around a month or so...that was 3 years ago. I smoked about 25 per day for many years.

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I think to myself......'what I'm craving for IS a delusion '....read the Alan Carr book for explanation.

and.....'it won't last long'...and

'glad I haven't got any fags in the house'


everyone has to find there own way....


What if you have a hundred sleeve of Richmonds hid under the car seat though? Like me?


I get the auto suggestion though. I think of foxes trying to attack me - not working :(

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