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Wanting ideas for my website

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Please don't get me wrong with this post, I don't intend for this to be a 'give me hits' post, simply I want other peoples comments for improvements in the new year.


Basically I run a website http://www.tpark.co.uk all about theme parks.


It has been running for quite a few years now but this year its really taken off and now the theme park season is over my hits have dropped off so I am looking into what works and what doesn't before people hopefully come back!


I am aware of some problems which I am not going to say first of all just to see if they are big enough for people to notice, and not all rides are currently in the database, but that is constantly being worked on, but what are people's initial thoughts and if you do have a poke around, what really doesn't work very well.


Thanks in advanced - and please be as brutal as you want, I look at it through rose tinted glasses so I often ignore the obvious!

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Hmmm, I thought it was easy to navigate, and I am aware that the ad's are getting too much and cutting them back.


The idea is as reviews for theme parks, basically aimed at people wanting to visit a theme park and wants to know whats on offer. It builds on what is offered on a parks own website and calls a spade a spade, if a park has a fault, the website will tell you. For example I currently have quite a few individual ride reviews available, but for next year I am going to start telling things like food and drink prices as this is something which is not available on the parks website and something I think is very important when trying to budget for a day out.

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Hmmm, I thought it was easy to navigate, and I am aware that the ad's are getting too much and cutting them back.


The idea is as reviews for theme parks, basically aimed at people wanting to visit a theme park and wants to know whats on offer. It builds on what is offered on a parks own website and calls a spade a spade, if a park has a fault, the website will tell you. For example I currently have quite a few individual ride reviews available, but for next year I am going to start telling things like food and drink prices as this is something which is not available on the parks website and something I think is very important when trying to budget for a day out.



TBH dude the site looks like a blog deal. Never any good. The banner and title are all whack!! The ride looks like a JCB moving around. You need to implement a forum on the site as well :)

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So how much do you think a family would pay you to tell them a cup of coffee at a theme park is quite expensive?


Did he say he was charging anything? I think it's more a hobby site, with some potential for perhaps selling a few items (memorabilia, calendars etc) to a specific interest group, and perhaps some ad revenue to cover the hosting costs...

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I like it, here are a few ideas


Voting and scores that you can sort to see what people with similar aged children thought

Discounts, codes, vouchers offers - Like I know Gullivers let you in for £7 two hours before close time which isn't a bad little offer a forum would be good so people coud add any current offers they see

How about something where people can click on the ones they've been to and it links to their facebook?

Forum like somone said already and I have some good ideas for a ghost ride!

How about trying to list dates for these travelling fairgrounds that come to town?

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Thats exactly it, the information on the site is completly free and I am using the site as a potential to sell my photos as I have some really good ones......but that is not pushed heavily. The ads are purely there to cover the hosts costs, nothing more, in fact I give any money raised after covering these costs to charity - I have given about £50 so far this year, but thats beside the point.


Rampant, I assume when you say whack that is a good thing?! I tried a forum a few years back, it ran until this summer when I pulled it as there are just too many out there, and it wasn't really working so am actually mid way through implementing a new 'comment on this' type site where you can add comments on each page about anything you want.....I thought this may work better.

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Thanks Moonface,


I have a new section going live in the new year with discounts etc and am talking with a few parks for exclusive discounts too......I will be opening this up for people to contribute up to date offers as its a huge task to do alone!


I am also working on Facebook integration, again something coming soon, and I will have a look around see what I can find about fun fairs, might be something to think about in the future :)

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