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Anyone else get 'tingles' when they hear certain sounds? (ASMR)

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This is something I've always had but never really understood until I found some videos on YouTube by accident which explained all about the effects of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) and I realised I wasn't a total wierdo!


What is ASMR?

ASMR is a physical sensation which can often be felt as a tingling feeling which begins around the scalp and can often travel all around the body particularly down the back and into the persons arms and legs.

Most people descibe it as a tingling in the head.

What can trigger ASMR?

ASMR can be brought on through acts known as triggers. These can be visual or through sounds.

Watching another person complete tasks can induce ASMR with activities such as:

• Nail tapping

• Scratching

• Drawing

• Coloring in pictures.

• Whispering

• Hand movements

• Brushes

• Haircuts

• Massage

• Handling items


When triggered ASMR can be very relaxing for the person and can help them feel a lot calmer and in some cases can be so relaxing that some people may fall asleep.


My personal triggers are rustling paper, hard plastic (think someone rummaging through a box of cosmetics) and whispering, and when something triggers it I get really strong tingles in my head and a feeling of total relaxation comes over me, it's just heavenly! It does cause problems however, if someone at work starts arranging paper files nearby my brain just shuts down! :D


Has anyone else heard of ASMR or think they have it?

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Despite being an ABBA fan every time I hear the opening piano chords on Dancing Queen I get nauseous.

This also happens when I hear Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino.

Is this a symptom of something or just my brain remembering a bad experience in connection with these songs?

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I get this but I thought everyone did.


example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...v=3Hy6O682OGI#!


When the dwarves start to sing (approx 1:20 in)


I think everyone does get it to a certain degree, particularly with music, but some people get it to an extreme with a much bigger range of sounds.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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  • 9 months later...

Oh I got ASMR, but yeah OP, I was probably like you at first, only small sensations, like shivers or goosebumps, or barely noticable tingles. If you watch what you eat and exercise, tbh, till you are exhausted, it seems like one becomes more sensitive with the phenomenon. Watching the right videos helps as well. http://www.asmrstudio.com has some of the best.

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Forgot about this thread! Glad to know I'm not the only one with these strange sensations!


I have a YouTube playlist full of my favourite ASMR videos which I often listen to in bed...especially when I'm stressed, they help to clear my head and send me into a deep sleep. I was listening to some last night as it happens!

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