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A cowardly act of violence.

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You're using words that your intelligence cannot handle. :)


Let us be very very simple. There is no justification for following a girl from her home and punching her in the back of the head. None. Simple. Easy. Sorted.


It is OK you dont need to dumb down for my benefit.


PS I did not attempt to justify the action,but in common with others you prefer the vigilante knee-jerk reaction,with little reasoning and no evidence.

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All these comments are made with little reference to the motivation of the assailant.At first glance it does look reprehensible but there must have been some motive for this attack.With little knowledge of the details comments must be both premature and foolhardy.


What would you regard as being justification for this attack? You say that AT FIRST GLANCE it looks reprehensible. Which circumstances that led up to the attack could have made people regard it as acceptable?

Remember....she is a 16 years old girl and he a fit strong guy!:(

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I did not attempt to justify the action

No, that's true. You tried to label everyone who finds it ugly to punch girls in the back of the head as "premature" and "foolhardy".


Pray tell; what context would make punching a girl in the back of the head a worthy and fine moral act? I'd love to know. :)


Secondly, finding the act ugly is not vigilantism. Another big word you've used that you don't fully understand.

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No, that's true. You tried to label everyone who finds it ugly to punch girls in the back of the head as "premature" and "foolhardy".


Pray tell; what context would make punching a girl in the back of the head a worthy and fine moral act? I'd love to know. :)


Secondly, finding the act ugly is not vigilantism. Another big word you've used that you don't fully understand.


I did not label them as premature,merely their judgement was premature-an important distinction.Vigilant is derived from the Latin meaning watchful-I guess you know that already.Your use of the word ugly is very liberal and imaginative.


I have not thought what context would justify this action as I could not foresee circumstances where I would do this.

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I did not label them as premature,merely their judgement was premature-an important distinction.Vigilant is derived from the Latin meaning watchful-I guess you know that already.Your use of the word ugly is very liberal and imaginative.


I have not thought what context would justify this action as I could not foresee circumstances where I would do this.


I, and it seems everyone else is totally mystified by you postings...Ok, we're not judge and jury, but video of the attack speaks for itself...we all can make our own minds up, except, it seems you, who are looking for mitigating circumstances..thare are none!!!

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The thing that I think people would like to know is why, what would possess the guy to do such a thing and how did this guy justified his reasoning to commit such a horrid attack on a seemingly innocent girl.:confused:


From the court proceedings he was drunk and stoned and thought she was looking at him in a disrespectful way and "wanted a fight". So no rational justification at all. Incredibly dangerous individual not fit to be released.


Ms Batra said: 'He said he admitted to doing it, it was a misunderstanding on his part. He had had too much to drink and smoke that day.'

'He said he was going about his business and was intimidated by her look, she looked like she wanted a fight. She looked about 19 or 20. He did not approve of the way she looked so he went back and punched her....He said "Nah, that hurt, I can’t go further in my day taking an insult from a little person like that".'

'He thought to himself “No, no I am not taking this”,' the lawyer said.

'He never spoke to her, just punched her.'

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I, and it seems everyone else is totally mystified by you postings...Ok, we're not judge and jury, but video of the attack speaks for itself...we all can make our own minds up, except, it seems you, who are looking for mitigating circumstances..thare are none!!!


Oh well if thats your argument look at how many Germans approved of Hitler.I would prefer to make my mind up independently than board a ship of fools,captained by a myopic moderator.

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From the court proceedings he was drunk and stoned and thought she was looking at him in a disrespectful way and "wanted a fight". So no rational justification at all. Incredibly dangerous individual not fit to be released.


I can't think, despite racking my brains to think of ANY circumstances that would justify, mitigate or condone such an attack...It just beggars belief!

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