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Ever wonder what happened to your past loves not just your first.


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Aah, good old Facebook worked it's magic here......


I fell for a boy aged 14 at school and flirted with him madly, to no avail. For 2 damn years I tried to get him to ask me out...no joy.


Fast forward 22 years and his name "just came up" on facebook, he he! A friend request later, a bit of banter, emails, then phonecalls and the final meet up .....turns out he was in love with me then but was crippled with shyness and daren't ask me out....fast forward another 18 months and we are now living together and extremely happy :D

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Yes - a truly happy ending!! Like Marion and me you'll be making up for lost time - wonderful!.:)


Absolutely! It turned out we'd lived within a couple of miles of each other all our lives, even worked in the same (very big) building for a while at the same time, yet never crossed paths. We got married and divorced around the same time too. I found it all so bizarre at first - my friend said fate waited for the right time :D

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I hope all mine went under a bus and if I see any of them I will happily push them under it especially the first, I have no interest in finding out where they are could not care less. I am happily married to a lovely man and I had to meet alot of arseholes to get to him and would not pee on any of them if they were on fire.


I would set light to them first all together preferably. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:

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