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The White Building - Fitzalan Square. Information, please


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Stuck on a bus in Fitzalan Square the other day and saw the White Buildings which seem to have had a clean up.


Plenty of time to admire them and I must admit that I was very impressed.


Anybody know when they were built, only thing I can remember about them was that you had to go there for medicals if you were long term sick.

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  • 2 years later...

I went for a medical there before I could start work at Orchard Place Clinic in 1970, must have belonged to Sheffield Public Health Department then.

I presume they were built after the war as the corner that was Marples took a direct hit.

There was a photo shop next to Marples and I have a photo of my sister and I that was found in the ruins afterwards.


I think it was not long after 1970 that S P Health Dept became part of the Trent Reginal hospital board and I think all the properties that were occupied by P H D were also transferred meaning Sheffield would suffer a loss of prime buildings and potential sites.

At least that was what I was told at the time.


This was said to be the reason Orchard Place Clinic was quickly moved to Mulberry St leaving the block which is now developed into Orchard Square firmly in Sheffields hands. Staff there at the time talked of literally walking down town with piles of documents in their hands to hasten up their departure.


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The Pevsner Architectural Guide to Sheffield says:


The White Building c1908 by Gibbs and Flockton, one of the most original buildings of its date in Sheffield with a faience facade enlivened by ten figures in relief by Alfred and William Tory depicting Sheffield trades. Four stories with a raised attic storey in the centre, French windows with balconies on the first floor with medallions above. Further balconies on the third floor which has unusual ogee-shaped hoods above the windows incorporating a scallop or fanlight design. Similar but segmental hoods over the first floor windows. Adam-style frieze at the top of the building . Arcaded ground floor, the entrance with its original name plaque is recessed behind one of the elliptical arches.


It's a top book and highly recommended.


It's amazing what you see if you lift your eyes up from street level.

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When on a bus that needs to change drivers I/we often take the beauty of the building. It's so true what an earlier poster said ........ we need to look up more often, there's a lot of beautiful buildings, and many will be demolished to make way for those horrible monstrosities that is called architecture at the moment ...... in 10 years time, let alone 100 years, they'll be just as ugly and an eyesore to boot :)

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