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The White Building - Fitzalan Square. Information, please


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When on a bus that needs to change drivers I/we often take the beauty of the building. It's so true what an earlier poster said ........ we need to look up more often, there's a lot of beautiful buildings, and many will be demolished to make way for those horrible monstrosities that is called architecture at the moment ...... in 10 years time, let alone 100 years, they'll be just as ugly and an eyesore to boot :)


toterly agree with what you say,but nobody takes any notice of us who have worked all i lives,,xx

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Stuck on a bus in Fitzalan Square the other day and saw the White Buildings which seem to have had a clean up.

I'm not sure it's had a clean up, but it does always look good in the sunshine. Far more attractive than the old Halfords attached to it. Must be close to the most architecturally uninspriring and out of place building in Sheffield. If only th square itself hadn't been unecessarily made an island, more people could sit and enjoy the buildings there.
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  • 1 year later...

im living there july onwards. Great building, really like the balconies, french style i think, nice inside too with walls adjoining circular pillars.


only downside is the ground floor is owned by the shops, they have let it go to completly to pot, theres a womans toilets half way up the stairs with a door snapped in half and just full of old boxes and rubbish,

nice once you reach the accomadation floors though and its a really good comparison of how a 100 year old building can either look really grand or a complete mess

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  • 6 months later...
I'm not sure it's had a clean up, but it does always look good in the sunshine. Far more attractive than the old Halfords attached to it. Must be close to the most architecturally uninspriring and out of place building in Sheffield. If only th square itself hadn't been unecessarily made an island, more people could sit and enjoy the buildings there.


Totally agree with this comment. I think the square is badly served by its road layout.

The old post office building is the key - if that could be renovated into a public building it would go a long way to improving the square.

I always thought the post office would have made a good Sheffield City Council customer service centre, as they could have converted the old post office lobby area for public use (where you could enquire about council services etc to staff) and then used the floors above for offices.

But they went and spent millions building Howden House and Derwent House instead, two really dull box buildings.

I just hope the old post office can be turned into a truly public building again and not turned into private apartments.

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